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[edit] User:Stephsteph3
Stephanie Maureen Wilson(born May 21, 1992) is a teenage girl who resides in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Her interests include dance, friends, her Piczo site(stephaniee-xx), talking on MSN Messenger, and most importantly, music. Some of her favourites are Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, AC/DC, My Chemical Romance, Kelly Clarkson, Blink 182, Rihanna, Guns N' Roses and many others. She enjoys rock, country, pop, and pretty much anything.
Stephanie enjoys spending time with her many friends in places like the mall, friend's houses, and at school. At school, she has lots friends: Rheian Shannon, Emily Barber, Jessica Schell, Mackenzie Rice, Danielle Bruni, Caitlyn Mageran, Kristina Ma, Emily Siquoin, Alexandra Laudadio, Chanel Fall, Alexis Shamess, Carly Wetzl, Kristine Caldbick, Danielle Gour, Emily Hillstrom, Sasha Ludavicius, Brendan Simard, Jesse Hamilton-Brown, Calvin Young, Devin Labelle, Chris Lewis, Richard Lang, Luc Glover, Cameron Thomas, Cameron Fall, Greg Russell, Travis McColl, Jordan Hawdon, Jordan Alexander and alot more.