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Sturmbannführer was a paramilitary rank of the Nazi Party which was used by both the Sturmabteilung (SA) and the Schutzstaffel (SS). Translated as “Assault (or Storm) Unit Leader” (Sturmbann being the SA and early SS equivalent to a battalion), the rank originated from German Shock Troop units of the First World War where the title of Sturmbannführer would occasionally be held by the Battalion Commander.
The SA title of Sturmbannführer was first established in 1921. In 1928, the title became an actual rank and was also one of the first established SS ranks. The insignia of a Sturmbannführer was four silver pips centered on a collar patch.
The rank rated below Standartenführer until 1932, when Sturmbannführer became subordinate to the new rank of Obersturmbannführer. In the Waffen-SS, Sturmbannführer was considered equivalent to a Major in the German Wehrmacht.
The rank of Sturmbannführer has also appeared frequently in fictional works and can be found mentioned in the novel Fatherland where the main character is a Sturmbannführer in the Kriminalpolizei. In the 1983 film The Keep, Gabriel Byrne portrays SS-Sturmbannführer Kaempffer, head of an SS-Einsatzkommando. In the film Apt Pupil, Ian McKellen portrays Kurt Dussander, a former Nazi concentration camp officer who held the rank of Sturmbannführer. In the manga Hellsing the main antagonist, Major Montana Max, holds the rank of Sturmbannführer.
Junior Rank Hauptsturmführer |
SS rank Sturmbannführer |
Senior Rank Obersturmbannführer |
Junior Rank Sturmhauptführer |
SA rank Sturmbannführer |
Senior Rank Obersturmbannführer |