Talk:Syllabic verse
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The description leaves me a little confused. Must a syllabic verse have the same number of syllables for every line, or would something like a cinquain be considered a syllabic verse? [[User:GK|gK ¿?]] 14:36, 13 Nov 2004 (UTC)
The point is the rules are based on syllable-count. Traditionally, it's the same in every line -- for example, heptasyllable and hendecasyllable are common forms in Spanish and French that require 7 and 11 syllables per line. But Marianne Moore, for example, wrote many poems in which each stanza followed the same form, but that was relatively arbitrary. If you can fix the article to get rid of the confusion, of course, that would be great! Tom 21:51, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Then the Tanaga would be a Syllabic Verse ("a type of short Filipino poem, consisting four lines with nine syllables each"). I may eventually try to do a fixup on this article, but there are a bunch of articles that I'm working on that already have my commitment (as well as all the other nagging Wikipedia articles that need work, like the Tanaga article that needs to be de-stubbed). [[User:GK|gK ¿?]] 07:10, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Dylan Thomas example
I'm not sure about the value of the "Especially When The October Wind" example. I think it somewhat clouds the issue because of its scannability as iambic pentameter, especially in the context of Robert Bridges' detailed anaylsis of Milton where he concludes that Milton was working in a syllabic tradition coming out of Chaucer. All of this of course is probably worth working into the article, but I'd rather see a simpler, clearer. more self-evident example of syllabic verse than the examples we currently have, possibly something from Elizabeth Daryush or Thom Gunn??? — Stumps 08:59, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
- You're right, "October Wind" is just iambic pentameter using a lot of substitutions. "In My Craft Or Sullen Art" is syllabic, but not this one. I'll switch it for that. 02:34, 29 December 2006 (UTC)