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Tectology is a term coined by Alexander Bogdanov scientist, philosopher, economist, physician, novelist, poet, and Marxist revolutionary, for a discipline that consisted of unifying all social, biological and physical sciences, by considering them as systems of relationships, and by seeking the organizational principles that underly all systems.
His work Tektology: Universal Organization Science, finished by the early 1920s, anticipated many of the ideas that were popularized later by Norbert Wiener in Cybernetics and Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the General Systems Theory.
[edit] External links
- There is a great reference covering Bogdanov's work, "Bogdanov and His Work: A Guide to the Published and Unpublished Works of Alexander A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky) 1873-1928".
- The first English translation of Bogdanov Tektology is due to Peter Dudley and his work at the Centre for Systems Studies of University of Hull in UK
- As an introduction to the possibilities that could offer the ideas from Bogdanov to the Complex Systems Science, it's worth a look this article from John Mikes prepared for the first International Conference on Complex Systems in 1997, organized by the New England Complex Systems Institute.
- Alexander Bogdanov
- About tectology
- Red Hamlet