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- This draft will eventually be the article Characters in The Wheel of Time
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[edit] Ta'veren
Three major characters have been identified as ta'veren: individuals whose very presence alters fate and chance around them, people who inevitably find themselves at the center of major events. All three were raised in the village of Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, in the distant reaches of Andor.
[edit] Rand al'Thor
[edit] Perrin Aybara
Raised a blacksmith in the Two Rivers, Perrin
Perrin is married to a high Saldaean noblewoman, Faile Bashere.
[edit] Mat Cauthon
Mat is the husband of the Seanchan High Lady Tuon.
[edit] Aes Sedai
[edit] Black Ajah
[edit] Forsaken
[edit] Warders
[edit] Asha'man
[edit] The Dragon
[edit] Others who can channel the One Power
[edit] Damane
[edit] The Kin
[edit] Windfinders
[edit] Wise Ones
[edit] Nobility, heads of state, and other major players
[edit] Aiel
[edit] Andoran
Andor is a powerful monarchy which dates to the time of Artur Hawkwing. Andor has traditionally been led by a Queen; no man has ever worn the Rose Crown. The last crowned Queen of Andor was Morgase of House Trakand. Morgase escaped Andor incognito and abdicated her throne; following her disappearance and presumed death, her daughter Elayne stood next in the line of succession.
After a series of seiges and short engagements, Elayne won the support of a sufficient number of Houses of Andor to cement her position as the next Queen; she has not yet been crowned. Elayne Trakand is also a powerful Aes Sedai, and she has so far bonded two Warders: Rand al'Thor and Birgitte Silverbow.
[edit] Atha'an Miere
The Atha'an Miere, or Sea Folk, live most of their adult lives aboard ships. Their livelihoods are based on fishing and on providing speedy, oceangoing transportation for goods and people. Consequently, much of their culture and government revolve around shipboard life.
The Windfinders – female Sea Folk who can channel –
[edit] Borderlanders
The Borderlands are martial nations which shield much of the rest of the world from the Blight. Many of the most experienced soldiers in the Wheel of Time hail from the Borderlands.
[edit] Malkieri
Malkier was once a Borderlands kingdom, but fell to the Shadow in 955 NE. Lan Mandragoran, Warder to Moiraine, was the newborn heir to the throne when Malkier was destroyed. He remains the uncrowned King.
[edit] Saldaeans
Ruled by Queen Tenobia, Saldaea is the westernmost of the four Borderlands nations. Saldaea's Marshal-General – and uncle to the Queen – Davram Bashere is a major leader in Rand's fighting forces.
Faile Bashere is Davram's son, and wife to Perrin Aybara.
[edit] Taraboners
[edit] Cairhienen
Moiraine Damodred (an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah) is a high Cairhienen noble. Her father is Taringail Damodred. Her uncle was King Laman, ruler of Cairhien during the Aiel War.
[edit] Far Madding
Cadsuane Melaidhrin, the oldest known living Aes Sedai, was born in Far Madding and acts as an advisor to Rand al'Thor.
[edit] Illianers
[edit] Seanchan
[edit] Tairen
Until the advent of the Dragon Reborn, Tear was ruled by a coucil of High Lords. After Rand's arrival and the fall of the Stone of Tear to his army, he appointed High Lord Darlin as his steward.
Siuan Sanche, Aes Sedai and one-time Amyrlin Seat, comes from a fisherman's family from Tear.
[edit] Two Rivers
[edit] Children of the Light
[edit] Darkfriends and Shadowspawn
[edit] Myrddraal
[edit] Ogier
Ogier have long been seen as peaceable and studious creatures. They are known for their scholarship, horticulture, and stonemasonry. The Ogier Loial has joined Rand's party.
The Ogier of the Seanchan Empire are known as Gardeners. Apparently of a less pacifist bent than their brothers on the mainland, Ogier make up one division of the Empress' Deathwatch Guards.