Thames Valley District School Board
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Thames Valley District School Board
Board office location | London, Ontario |
Communities served | Greater London and all of Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford Counties |
Number of schools | 184 |
2005-2006 budget (CAD $ millions) |
$630 million [1] |
Number of students | more than 80,000 |
Chair of the Board | Peggy Satler |
Director of Education | Bill Bryce |
Elected Trustees | 15: 6 representing London; 2 each for Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford; 1 Native representative; 2 non-voting student trustee. | |
The Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) is a public school board in southwestern Ontario. It was created on January 1, 1998 by the amalgamation of the Elgin County Board of Education, The Board of Education for the City of London, Middlesex County Board of Education, and Oxford County Board of Education.
The TVDSB serves an area over 7,000 square kilometres which includes urban, suburban and rural communities. It spans three Counties and includes the City of London and the towns of Ingersoll, St. Thomas, Tillsonburg, Woodstock and Strathroy, as well as several smaller towns and villages.
In 2006, the Board administered 184 schools (154 elementary and 30 secondary schools). They also provide alternative education programs for approximately 40,000 students through adult day school, continuing education, general interest, night school and summer school courses.
The following is a list of the secondary schools administered by the TVDSB, and their towns/city:
- A.B. Lucas Secondary School - London
- Annandale School - Tillsonburg
- Arthur Voaden Secondary School - St. Thomas
- Central Elgin Collegiate Institute - St. Thomas
- Central Secondary School - London
- Clarke Road Secondary School - London
- College Avenue Secondary School - Woodstock
- East Elgin Secondary School - Aylmer
- Glencoe District High School - Glencoe
- Glendale High School - Tillsonburg
- H.B. Beal Secondary School - London
- Huron Park Secondary School - Woodstock
- Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute - Ingersoll
- London South Secondary School - London
- Lord Dorchester Secondary School - Dorchester
- Medway High School - Arva
- Montcalm Secondary School - London
- North Middlesex District High School - Parkhill
- Norwich District High School - Norwich
- Oakridge Secondary School - London
- Parkside Collegiate Institute - St. Thomas
- Saunders Secondary School - London
- Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School - London
- Sir George Ross Secondary School - London
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School - London
- Strathroy District Collegiate Institute - Strathroy
- Thames Secondary School - London
- West Elgin Secondary School - West Lorne
- Westminster Secondary School - London
- Woodstock Collegiate Institute - Woodstock