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About themadtitans
He gazed into the vast emptiness that was his home. On the dry, dusty terrain of the barren moon known as Titan, tiny grains of sand blew into an unflinching beings eyes. This creature was smaller in stature, but a beast dwelled within. A beast with an insatiable appetite. A hunger. But for what? This beast did not until this very moment, grasp. The beast that thrived within him needed to feed, and its nourishment was a music. A music that not many dared play. Justinsane knew that he had to start a surf band.
Justinsane was aware that starting a band would be a daunting task. In a land that cannot facilitate activities such as surfing, finding the percussive reverberations and low frequency wave modulations to team up with his melodic assaults, as well as share this vision of such a unique style of music would be challenging in the least. But the beast within him would not allow such nay saying. He knew his quest would not be without great impediment, but the benefits that were to be reaped are beyond most beings imagination.
Fortunately for Justinsane, there was already a mighty Titan that was far exceeding in the task of rocking. This titan was Tim the Terrible. He is a giant titan with skills far exceeding abilities of a normal being, thus making him a perfect fit for Justinsanes vision. This titan was already traveling alongside Justinsane when approached with the prospect of such a band, and Tim the Terrible, know for his enthusiasm...said, "Cool." He would be faced with the task of mastering a new instrument that produced low frequency wave modulations. For normal creatures, this would be quite an overwhelming task, for Tim the Terrible...just another day. By the time the last member of this band of titans was found, Tim the Terrible would become beastly behind this device that burst out noises that make most tremble.
To be the one behind the percussive reverberations that are required for such music takes the mind and soul of a fanatical madman. Justinsane knew just the titan to fill those proverbial shoes...The Manically Manic Micah. Justinsane had gone on many voyages with this titan before and knew he would be an eager comrade on his quest to revolutionize the music of their native planet. The only obstacle was actually reaching The Micah. He dwelled in a desolate area that not many reside in. The journey would be a long one; however, it was a trek he had to bare.
It was a grueling trip though the barren deserted lands. As soon as they arrived and came face to face with the titan known as The Manically Manic Micah, all grinned, knowing what the other was about to say. "Will you join us?" asked Justinsane. "What soundtrack will fill this voyage?" asked Micah. "Surf." The titan said without flinching. The Micah looked puzzled at first, but shortly, the grin widened across the manic one's face. "Brilliant!"
Thus began might comparable to none other before, simply known as
The Mad Titans