Talk:Third party (politics)
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[edit] Third party is discriminatory term
I added "innumerate" to the opening paragraph a few days ago. It helps. I'm still not happy, though, because the use of the term "third party" is not only bad arithmetic in a great many cases--its use also feeds the myth that the parties not in the duopoly should be segregated, ghettoized, ignored, scorned, hated, laughed at, scape-goated, attacked because they are small, etc. I prefer to call the Green Party and the Libertarian Party (USA) "anti-duopoly parties". They not only compete against the duopoly, they are trying to abolish the anti-democratic 2-party system. A small party NOT trying to abolish the 2-party system (if there are any that foolish) would still be a "non-duopoly party". In most cases, however, no such categorization according to size is helpful. It is added merely to gratuitously ridicule small parties. "My daddy is bigger than your daddy! Nyah, nyah, nyah!" There is no democratic reason to ignore or discriminate against a party because it is small. Let the voters choose instead according to quality. Korky Day 07:07, 24 January 2007 (UTC)