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[edit] Smile...go on
One of the things I do in life is try and make people happy, or at least happier than they were when we first made contact. Who ever comes across my path I'll try and improve their day. One way I do this is smiling. Yes that's right, simple isn't it? Smiling. If you are happy yourself it rubs off onto other people (not literally I hope, that sounds a bit painful!), and they are a happier person for it, so then they may pass it on to someone else themselves. Happiness costs nothing, so go spread the love and support world peace.
[edit] My Thoughts On Industrial Developement
I think technology is brilliant, the way it is moving on is incredible and the progress we are making I must applaud however, (and thats a rather large however so I suppose I better use italics), however, (there you go told you I keep to my word!), I do believe we need to be careful. The planet we call home - earth, is on a very delicate seesaw and so hangs on a balance which if was disturbed could bring about the most catastrophic of incidents. What we seem to be doing as a race is just playing with that balance seeing how far we can push it. We can already see the effects we are having upon our planet, yes that's right we call it 'our' planet. I think the steps we are making in science are brilliant but we should be careful where we stride.
[edit] From me to you...
I love you and never forget it, now go and make someone happy.