Torgunn Flaten
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Torgunn Flaten is a Norwegian singer/songwriter. She was born in Gjøvik, a town in eastern Norway,but has lived in Oslo since 1995.
She has written and performed songs on the acoustic guitar since her late teens. Early on she played the flute, and joined both classical groups as well as jazz-bands. Her style of music is influenced by Jazz, Bossa Nova, Classical, Electronic, POP/Rock and Country Music.
TORGUNN is also a duo, with Joar Kråkevik and Torgunn Flaten. They perform live with Joar Kråkevik on electric guitar and effects, and Torgunn on vocal and acoustic guitar. Their music can be described as imressionistic, guitarbased with own harmonic moods.
Lindström & Prins Thomas have rearranged and released one of her songs. "Run", one of these songs, is the only vocal (non-instrumental) track on their debut CD.
Torgunn is a performer of the arts in several ways, and at the time she makes video and animation to her songs as well as maintaining song, lyrics and music-production. First she records the music in a mobile studio. Then the music is produced, an then the video, which is recorded at the same time as the music, is edited and merged with types of graphics and animation. This is a procuct/art-form that easily fits to todays communication methods and possabilitys , like inter-net and pod-casts, you-tube etc.
Torgunn has studied arts and craft as well as media-engeniering for television and radio, with sound, photo, painting and drawing as main -topics. She made her first live music video, "Icecold and Blue", and released it at 06.02 2007.