Trains in the Netherlands
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The following are current and former trains in the Netherlands.
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[edit] Locomotives
[edit] Steam locomotives
- Arend: (Dutch for Eagle) was the first train in the Netherlands and pulled the first train between Amsterdam and Haarlem in 1839.
- Series 600
- Series 700
- Series 1300 ('Grote Groenen')
- Series 1500
- Series 1600 ('Rhijnboog')
- Series 1700 ('Overkoker')
- Series 2000
- Series 2100
- Series 2800
- Series 2900 ('Driemaster')
- Series 3200 ('Kamer en suite')
- Series 3300
- Series 3500
- Series 3900 ('De Beul')
- Series 4300II ('Kleine Jeep' / 'Dakota') (ex-WD Austerity 2-8-0)
- Series 4600
- Series 4700 ('Kerstboom')
- Series 5000
- Series 5000II ('Grote Jeep') (ex-WD Austerity 2-10-0)
- Series 6000 ('Bok')
- Series 6100
- Series 6200
- Series 6300
- Series 6500
- Series 6700
- Series 6800
- Series 6900
- Series 8600 ('De Turken')
- Series 8800 ('Hunslet') (ex-WD Austerity 0-6-0ST)
- Series 9500
- Series 9600
[edit] Diesel locomotives
[edit] In use

- 600 Class: Traditional shunter used in the Netherlands & UK. Dutch machines are still used around the Port of Rotterdam.
- 700 Class: A new type of shunter locomotive
- 6400 Class: A locomotive used for both shunting and pulling trains, often in combinations of two or three locomotives. Some are permitted to operate in Belgium (called "Vlaamse Reuzen") and some in Germany (called "Duitse Herders")
- 6700 Class: Former Belgian locomotive in use by ACTS.
- Class 66: British locomotives
[edit] Not in use anymore
- 100 Class: The "oersik" was designed by the NS Service of Rolling Stock and Workshops and built by Berliner Machinenbau A.G. Due to the broad and low mounted footboards the enginedriver could easily mount and dismount.
- 200 Class: "Sik". A light shunting locomotive. Some Sikken had a crane.
- 400 Class: "Grote Sik" locomotives were not in service for long as they were too light for steadily increasing weight of the shunting duties. They were built after War by Werkspoor
- 500 Class and 600 Class: nicknamed "Hippel" or "Bakkie". These are shunting locomotive currently not in use with the NS any more a few tho are sold to other companies.
- Series 600
- Series 700
- 2000 Class: These locomotives were bought from the American Army after World War 2 and came into service as series 600. 20 locomotives were in use, some of them were reserve. After a few years the American engines were replaced by Werkspoor-Engines due to a lack of spareparts. The series was then renumbered to 2000. Between 1958-1960 they were scrapped.
- 2200 Class: Widely used diesel locomotive. Later some were used in Belgium for the construction of the high-speed connection between Netherlands and Belgium.
- 2400 Class: Widely used diesel locomotive. Later some were used in France for the construction of the high-speed lines. A special version of this locomotive exists called "De Bisschop" (2530). This diesel loc has, as experiment, a higher constructed cab. Because of the purple colour it is nicknamed "The Bishop".
- 2600 Class: The NS series 2600 "Beel" diesel locomotives were mainly used on the line Eindhoven - Venlo and later on Nijmegen - Roermond as well. These locomotives were plagued by failures, which led to using them in couples. In case of failure of the first the second could take over. Their nickname "Beel" was given because the high front of them resembled the then Dutch minister Beel. After being in service for only 5 years they were demolished. They were built by Werkspoor in Utrecht in 1958.
- 2800 Class: "Kreupele Marie" (Dutch for "Crippled Marie"). This prototype diesel locomotive, no. 2801, was designed by Matériel de Traction Diesel Electrique (MTDE). This firm was established by the Dutch Werkspoor and French Schneiderworks with the purpose of designing and building standardised diesel lokomotives. In 1962 the prototype came into NS service and was well-known for its defects; hence it was given its nick name. Therefore this elegant locomotive was not long in service either. It was withdrawn in 1970. It was built by Werkspoor in Utrecht in 1962.
- 2900 Class: This diesel locomotive was purchased by NS from the Statemines (series 151-155) for "Spoorslag '70". The were not long in service with NS, after a few years they were sold to the FEVE in Spain.
[edit] Electric locomotives
[edit] In use
- Benelux 1100 Class: These are Belgian locomotives used for the Benelux push-pull trains in combination with ICR carriages.
- 1200 Class and 1250 Class: These locomotives are former NS locomotive; a couple are still in use by ACTS and Heerink Rail.
- 1600 Class and 1800 Class: These two types of locomotives are the same, the 1800 series got renumbered from 1600 after the privatisation of the NS. The 1600 are used by Railion Benelux and the 1800 are used by NS Reizigers.
- 1700 Class: This locomotive is very similar to the 1600/1800 in appearance but technically different. They are frequently used in combination with ICR and DDm cars.
- Plan mP (Motorpost): These are the trains formerly used to distribute mail. Currently they have various tasks.
[edit] Not in use anymore
- 1000 Class: Based on a Swiss locomotive. One is still in existence in the National railroad museum.
- 1100 Class: Based on the French Class BB 8100 locomotives. After a serious accident, the locomotives were equipped with a new nose.
- 1300 Class: Based on the French Class CC 7100 locomotives. This six axles locomotives were mainly used for freight trains.
- 1500 Class: These are former British Rail Class 77 locomotives. The seven locomotives were purchased to relieve a shortage of locomotives in 1969. Locomotive no. 1501 is preserved by the Werkgroep 1501.
[edit] Multiple units
[edit] Diesel multiple units
[edit] In use
- Buffel (DM'90) are the only diesel trains still operating for the NS. They are evidently used on the diesel lines, namely Zwolle-Enschede and Zwolle-Kampen. NoordNed also uses these trains between Leeuwarden and Groningen. The following diesel tracks are serviced by Syntus; namely Arnhem - Winterswijk, Arnhem - Tiel and Zutphen - Oldenzaal (Although the tracks between (at least) Oldenzaal and Hengelo are electrified).
- The Wadlopers are a diesel hydraulic multiple unit, operated in the North of the Netherlands by Noordnet. There are two version, one with two coaches, the other with one coach. One of the Wadlopers is re-painted in green, most are still yellow. Currently in use by Veolia on the 'Maaslijn' Nijmegen-Roermond, but just temporarily, awaiting completely new coaches by 2008.
[edit] Not in use anymore
- Mat '34 The very first series of streamlined multiple units of the NS was Mat '34, also nicknamed "Diesel Three". The streamlined form was developed during numerous trials at the Zeppelin Luftschiffahrt Gesellschaft in Friedrichshafen. Vmax 140 km/h.
- DE-5: The NS dieselelectric five-car unit series DE 5 was built for fast-train services and foreign services. For this purpose they had large fueltanks sufficient for about 2000 km. The war, however, made these services impossible. In 1940 during a trialrun a speed of 172 km/h was reached. They were built by Werkspoor in Utrecht, Beijnes in Haarlem and Allan in Rotterdam.
- DE 1 nicknamed Blauwe Engel (Dutch for "Blue Angel"): A DMU consisting of one coach.
- DE 2: A DMU consisting of 2 coaches. It was very similar to the DE 1
- NS DE-20 nicknamed "De Kameel" (Dutch for "The Camel"). Originally it was in service as DMU for the board of directors, later it was for hire. Currently it is in the national railroad museum.
- Plan U: A diesel electric multiple unit consisting of three coaches. There model was rather similar to the Mat '64 EMU (electrical multiple unit).
- DE-IV: The NS DE-IV TEE 1001-1003 and SBB RAm 501-502 TEE DMU's were used for international transportation under the banner of the TEE.
- omBC 2900: A DMU that was used in 1901-1903
[edit] Electric multiple units
[edit] In use
- The DDM (Dubbeldeks Materieel, see picture) coaches were delivered in two series. DDM-1 is operated in fixed formations of 6 coaches, using a 1800 class locomotive for traction. DDM-2/3 operates in fixed formations of 3 or 4 coaches. 4 car trains use a class 1700 locomotive for traction, 3 car trains use an mDDM motorcar, which resembles a DDM driving trailer but has electric motors and a single passenger deck on top; the level of this deck is higher than that of a regular single deck rail car, but lower than the upper deck of the other coaches. DDM-2/3 is also known as DD-AR.
- 3 types of coaches are available: Bv (second class), ABv (first and second class) and Bvk (second class driving trailer);
- in the past, different formations were also used: DDM-1 was used in 5, 6 and 7 car formations, DD-AR was also used in 3 and 6 car formations coupled to a class 1700 locomotive;
- some DDM-1 coaches Bv have been converted for use in push-pull trains consisting mostly of coaches class ICR.
- The VIRM (Verlengd Interregiomaterieel), also called Regiorunner was partially rebuilt from trainsets DD-IRM (Dubbeldeks Interregiomaterieel). DD-IRM was delivered in 3- and 4-car trainsets. 3-car trainsets got one extra coach, 4-car trainsets got two extra coaches. Also, new 4- and 6-car trainsets were built. Thus, a train consists of one or more combinations of 4 or 6 double deck coaches; each combination (multiple unit) has electric motors; an electronic display in the cars which is supposed to show the final destination of the train is often not set properly, showing the starting station instead; occasionally a moving text is shown; interestingly, moving texts are in italics, though the display resolution is too low to show static italics (an apparent shift of a fraction of a pixel is obtained by a corresponding time delay). More than three hundred coaches are currently operative in the Netherlands.

- The Koploper (ICM) (Intercitymaterieel) is a 3- or 4-car multiple unit that when coupled with another one, allows passengers to walk through (the name Koploper being a play on words - literally "head walker", but in actual use meaning "front runner"). The Dutch Railway Company decided to close the heads permanently on 31 October 2005 because the mechanism broke down too often. In all likeliness the maintenance also played a part in the decision, which cost an average 200.000 euro per year. A waste of money given the scheduled modernisation of around 7 million euro that will see the ICM fleet updated. By the end of 2006, the first trains will be renovated by NedTrain in Haarlem. The renovated ICM trains will provide 13% more seats, have a new interior, a bathroom accessible by wheelchairs, airconditioning, digital screens with travel information as well as upgrades to the engine and connection systems. The head doors will most likely be welded shut. The ICM was considerably luxurious in the days of its construction and shortly after, with comfortable seating, more leg space and individual ventilation and light controls over every seat and with the renovation in sight, it is likely to retain some of that old reputation.
- The Sprinter (SGM, Stads Gewestelijk Materieel) is a two or three car electric, used on small distances. They are named Sprinter because they're able to accelerate and brake quite fast, making them very suitable for 'stoptrein' services. They were also specifically designed for urban environments where they run commuter services. As a result, they are most commonly found in the Randstad area. The initial idea was that the Sprinter would provide somewhat of a subway/metro service but this plan failed as the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam continued to construct their own rapid transit systems. Nevertheless, in the densely populated Randstad, the Sprinters remain popular. Two car versions have been revised and are now named Citypendel. Three car versions can be seen in two versions: the old yellow version, and the refurbished ones in white/yellow/dark blue livery ("Vlaflip").
- The Benelux train running between Amsterdam Centraal and Brussels-South consists of a Belgian electric locomotive and six carriages similar to the ICR, except that the last one has a driver's cabin, for controlling the locomotive when it pushes the train (it is a push-pull train). It is best described as an international Intercity Service and does not rival other international services such as the high-speed Thalys and ICE services. Contrary to Thalys and ICE, the Benelux train is a traditional train divided into first and second class carriages similar in luxury to other IC trains in the region and it travels at the same speeds. Ticket prices are, as a result, much lower for the Benelux train than they are for Thalys and ICE. See also Train routes in the Netherlands#Train number series (series 600) and [1].
- One of the older train types still in use is the Mat '64 multiple unit. There are two varieties:
- Mat '64 (Plan V), a 2-car electric multiple unit (the picture shows a train consisting of three of these);
- Mat '64 (Plan T), a 4-car electric multiple unit; with respect to seating arrangement and lighting there are three varieties; in one variety the lighting is rather meagre for reading. Was a Mat '54 ELD4 with 213 ton the heaviest EMU in Europe, with 163 ton The Plan T the lightest. With this series the requirement to operate in multiple unit with older EMU was abandoned, to be able to profit from new technical improvements as automatic door closing system and rapid acceleration. Unfortunately it became clear with the Prototype EMU, nicknamed "Future" that a lower weight resulted in worse driving characteristics. In 100 seconds, his EMU accelerates to 140 km/h, during a test run 181 km/h was achieved. The prototype was built by Werkspoor in Utrecht in 1961. From EMU 502 onward, the automatic couplers were placed at the level of the UIC-couplers. Also the layout of the middle coaches was altered: the AD became BD (with small kitchen) and the B became AB, also the luggage compartment was enlarged and double sliding doors were used instead of a single one. NS Mat '64 Plan V were built after all EMU's Plan T were built. A big difference between Plan T and V is lower output of Plan V: 138 kW per motor instead of 175 kW. Some later versions lack the luggage compartment.
- The ICE3 is a German high-speed train that runs between Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Netherlands, onto Frankfurt and Cologne in Germany. ICE trains require special high-speed tracks to run at high speeds, but can also run on normal tracks at normal speeds. The ICE 3M (class 406) is a multisystem variant of the ICE 3 that currently serves routes into the Netherlands and Belgium from the main ICE network in Germany. Licensing for French LGVs started in 2001 and has been described by engineers as a "clash of cultures". Problems included flying gravel and trackside equipment ripped loose by the ICE's eddy current brakes. Admission of the ICE 3M for regular service into France was granted in late 2005. In 1998, the Eschede train disaster occurred involving an ICE train It was Germany's worst ever passenger train disaster. The accident was due to the steel "tire" being separated from the rest of one of the train's wheels, breaking the track and causing the rest of the train to derail and collide with a concrete bridge that spanned the track.
- Thalys is a high-speed train network built around the high-speed line between Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. This track is shared with Eurostar trains that go from Paris or Brussels to London via Lille and the Channel Tunnel and with French domestic TGV trains. The system uses two models of trains, the PBA and the PBKA, which both belong to the TGV (train à grande vitesse) family of high-speed trains built by Alstom in France, although they are not identical to domestic TGV sets. Beyond Brussels, the main cities Thalys trains reach are Antwerp, The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Liège, Aachen and Cologne. Trains to these destinations run partly on dedicated high-speed tracks and partly on regular tracks at the moment as the network of the high-speed tracks is still being constructed in the Netherlands (the HSL-Zuid). After its completion, the Thalys will no longer call at The Hague and will instead travel from Amsterdam to Schiphol, to Rotterdam and via Breda to Antwerp in Belgium.
- High-speed shuttle trains will be bought for domestic high speed connections once the high-speed line between Amsterdam and Belgium is finished in 2007. More information on [High Speed]
[edit] Not in use anymore
- Mat '24: In 1924, two prototype EMU's were delivered to NS, one by Werkspoor and the other by Beijnes. Both had the train composition mBD+Bec+Aec+Cec+mC. The Cec's were built by Hawa in Hanover. The Mat '24, nicknamed 'Blokkendoos', were especially for the services on the Old Line Amsterdam–Rotterdam which was electrified with 1500 V DC in this period. The third mBD5 was already delivered in 1924. Mat '24 series was built between 1923 and 1932.
- Mat '35: The first streamlined electric multiple units of NS Mat '35. They were nicknamed 'Hoek van Hollanders' because of they were used between Rotterdam and Hook of Holland. Eight units were built: 4 with and 4 without luggage-section. They were built by Werkspoor, Beijnes en Allan and consisted of 2 coaches.
- Mat '36: This is practically the same as the Mat '35 EMU. They were built by Werkspoor in 1937-8. Versions existed consisting of two, three or four coaches.
- Mat '40: The two- and five-car version of Mat '40 "Gooimaterieel" so-called because the planned deployment on Amsterdam–Amersfoort although they hardly ever used on this line. There were designed for speeds up to 160 km/h and built by Beijnes in Haarlem and Werkspoor in Utrecht between 1942 and 1944. This series was very similar to the Mat '35 series as well.
- Mat '46: The NS Mat '46s were ordered to compensate for war-lost EMU's. This series had some differences compared to its predecessors: a convergent shaped front and sliding doors in the luggagecompartment. There are versions consisting of two and four coaches. From a technical viewpoint a four-car EMU consists of two two-car EMU's. They were built by Allan, Beijnes and Werkspoor between 1949 and 1952.
- Mat '54: NS Mat '54 "Hondekop" (Dognose) series was extremely solidly constructed, resulting in a heavy weight. The running characteristics are very good, the trains sticks to the rails as if it is made of concrete. Calculating weight per seat (888 kg), Mat '54 is the heaviest of its kind ever built in Europe. From the beginning, much attention was paid to the workplace of the driver. The series were built by Allan in Rotterdam between 1956 and 1958. Three versions existed, consisting of two, three or four coaches. To modernise the Benelux-service (Amsterdam–Brussels) and the finishing of the electrification between Roosendaal and Essen, 12 EMU were built that these EMU run in multiple unit with existing EMU's. The EMU can run under 1500 V DC and 3000 V DC. In cooperation with the NMBS the following was decided: mechanically of the same construction as the NS Mat '54 and the electrical installation would be a Belgian one. On the ABk is the 1500 V DC pantograph, on the BDk the 3000 V DC one.
- The SM'90 EMUs (railhopper) ran on the line Zwolle - Emmen. There are only 9 bought as an experimental train, intended as successor to Mat '64, but NS choose Mat '64 (Plan V, reconstructed as Super Plan V) again instead, due to their reliability. In the beginning they were ridden with trouble. All 9 trainsets have been taken out of service in December 2005.
[edit] Coaches
[edit] In use
- The railroad cars ICR (Intercity Rijtuig = intercity carriage) are pulled by an electric locomotive, usually a 1700 or 1800. For the basic variety, unlike for the other trains, reversing direction requires moving the locomotive to the other side. At the back end passengers can have a view on the track, though not when seated. Some trains however have a carriage with a driver cabin at one end, and a locomotive at the other. Long trains with a locomotive at each end are also used. These train setups do not require the locomotive to be moved when reversing direction.
- the ICRm now also has a push-pull variety, with ICRm and a BDs car with driver's cabin.
- ICK: ("InterCity Kort") These are former German wagons that were bought to relieve the shortage of material NSR suffered from.
[edit] Not in use anymore
- Stalen D
- Plan E
- Plan W: second class coaches similar to the German Silberlinge coaches.
- IC+: The coaches for the IC+, a short-lived experimental train with more facilities, were converted from normal coaches ICR. The coaches were rebuilt to standard coaches ICRm during the revision of ICR.
- Bcm: A couchette.
[edit] Trains
[edit] Not in use anymore
Before 2004 there was in the summer a night train between Amsterdam Centraal and Paris-North. Although much slower than the Thalys, it was popular with budget tourists: some rail passes are not valid in the Thalys, and sleeping in the train saved the cost of a hotel. There were sleeping cars at a supplemental fee, but many people spent the night sitting in a seat, or, if it was not crowded, lying on seats.
[edit] Train accidents
Train accidents in the Netherlands with passengers or crew killed or injured (not complete)
- November 3, 2005 Wijhe - NS passenger train collides head-on with truck - Truck driver killed, NS driver and 4 passengers injured.
- March 20, 2003 Roermond - NS passenger train collides head-on with freight train - NS driver killed, 6 passengers seriously injured.
- November 1992 Hoofddorp - Train derails, resulting in five deaths.
- 25 July 1980 – Winsum, the Netherlands: Two trains collide on a single track between Groningen and Roodeschool resulting in 9 deaths and 21 injured.
- January 8, 1962 Harmelen - Harmelen train disaster: two passenger trains collide head-on, 89 passengers and both engineers killed [4].
Train surfing accidents in the Netherlands
- Feb 2004: 15-year old boy killed in Maassluis, had been hanging on the outside of a window.
[edit] See also
- Railway stations in the Netherlands
- Transportation in the Netherlands
- Locomotives of Nederlandse Spoorwegen
[edit] External links
- Official website of Netherlands Railways.
- MiddlePeak Railways homepage Owners/Operators of locomotives & rolling stock including shunting locomotives similar to the ex-Class 08 & NS 0-6-0 600 Class shunting locos. Its fleet is available for hire to both industrial and mainline railway operators, in the UK & Europe. See also - MiddlePeak Railways
- Rail Fan Europe on Dutch railway operators.
- Featuring pictures and information.
- Arthur's treinenpagina by Arthur Pijpers.
- Rail 1435 (named after the standard gauge in mm) by Max Hovens.
- Langs de rails Trains in the Netherlands since 1967, by Nico Spilt.
- Picture archive by Ben Doedens.
- CentraalStation Overview of trains (old and new), with drawings.