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In the television series Angel, the Tro-Clon is a "confluence of events" which would have great consequences for the destiny of mankind. Its arrival is announced in the Nyazian Scrolls.
It was initially assumed that the Tro-Clon was a single event or an individual, though it was soon revealed to be, in fact, a sequence of events that seemingly culminate in Season 4 of Angel. The true extent of the Tro-Clon is never truly explained or shown.
The Tro-Clon's true nature is never fully revealed on Angel (usage of the term falls out of use after the third season), though it is commonly accepted to be the master plan of the being later known as Jasmine, a rogue member of The Powers That Be, which allowed her to appear on Earth and conquer it.
According to translations made by Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, the Tro-Clon is a chain of events leading to the purification or ruination of mankind, or even both, as the word describing the Tro-Clon meant "purification" in Aramaic, "ruination" in ancient Greek, and both words in the lost Ga-shundi language. Jasmine's plan was to bring peace to mankind, effectively purifying it from hatred and conflict, yet her plan also involved stripping mankind of its free will, which could be interpreted as ruin for mankind.
According to Winifred Burkle's calculations, the Tro-Clon began at the moment in which Daniel Holtz, a vampire hunter from the mid-to-late 17th century and an old enemy of Angel and Darla, is reawakened after spending more than two hundred years in suspended animation by the demon Sahjhan. Hours later, Angel's son, Connor, though meant to "never be born" came into the world thanks to Darla's sacrifice, which was foretold by the prophecy:
"...for surely in that time, when the sky opens and the city weeps, there will be no birth, only death" - Nyazian Scrolls
Another passage of the Nyazian Scrolls also foretold the death of Sahjhan at the hands of Connor. This portion of the prophecy would prompt Sahjhan to rewrite the prophecy, removing all reference to him, and bring Holtz to the present:
"The one sired by the vampire with a soul shall grow to manhood and kill Sahjhan" - Original text of the Nyazian Scrolls
Thanks to Sahjhan's tampering, this text was replaced with the following passage:
"The father will kill the son" - Rewritten text of the Nyazian Scrolls
Sahjhan's tampering of the prophecy, and some "portents" caused by Wolfram & Hart at Sahjhan's behest, would also turn out to be integral in the coming of Jasmine, as these lead Wesley to kidnap Connor. The kidnapping ultimately caused Connor to be taken to Quor-Toth, a hellish dimension in which seventeen years would pass as only some weeks passed in this dimension. Thus Connor returned to Earth as a teenager, now capable of fathering a body in which Jasmine could pour her essence and manifest her powers.
Meanwhile, Cordelia Chase was manipulated by the demon Skip, a mercenary working for Jasmine, into a path that led her to ascend to a higher realm, from which she came back to Earth, now possessed by Jasmine. Jasmine remained trapped within an amnesic Cordelia until her memories where released through a spell, which also awakened Jasmine and put her in control of Cordelia's body. While in possession of Cordelia, Jasmine seduced Connor, who fathered a body in which Jasmine poured herself. Following her birth, Jasmine would set out to conquer mankind in order to save it from war, famine, and disease.
Jasmine would eventually be defeated by Angel and later killed by Connor. Wolfram & Hart offered Angel control of the firm's Los Angeles branch. He initially resisted, but ultimately accepted in order to give the now-suicidal Connor a new life through a reality alteration spell, which was triggered by Connor's death at his father's hands. Months later, Connor would eventually kill Sahjhan, an event that would've been impossible had Connor's life not been altered, which in turn happened thanks to Angel accepting Wolfram & Hart's offer and Sahjhan's own interference in trying to prevent the prophecy.