Tullia Magrini
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Tullia Magrini (1950-2005)Tullia Magrini was Associate Professor of Anthropology of Music at the University of Bologna, Italy. She did fieldwork in Italy, Greece, Bali and Madagascar. She has served as Secretary General of the Società Italiana di Etnomusicologia (1982-86) and Chairperson of the ICTM Italian Committee (from 1986); founder in 1992 and chair since then of the ICTM Study Group, "Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures"; founder in 1994 of Web bulletin, "Italian Ethnomusicology," transformed in 1996 into the multimedia Web journal Music & Anthropology. She has published several important works as: Forme della musica vocale e strumentale cretese (1981); Canti d'amore e di sdegno: Funzioni e dinamiche psichiche della cultura orale (1986); Il Maggio drammatico: Una tradizione di teatro in musica (1992); Antropologia della musica e culture mediterranee (1993); Uomini e suoni: Prospettive antropologiche nella ricerca musicale (1995). She contributed articles to The World of Music, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Ethnomusicology Online, MGG, and The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (forthcoming). Below the complete works. http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/index/number10/tulliapub.htm