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Bands, Tyde Lloyd (born October 21, 1987 in Durban, South Africa), is a scholar, part-time retail merchandiser and University undergraduate.
Early life
Tyde Lloyd Bands was born in Durban, South Africa to parents Basil Lloyd Bands (October 14, 1935- October 26, 1998) and Gail Gillian Bands (nee Anders) (October 4, 1966 - present). His brother, Aryn, was born to the same parents on November 9, 1989.
He was raised in Umhlanga Rocks and attended Atholton primary school and then Crawford College, before immigrating to the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on March 10, 2002. Tyde graduated from Emmanuel College, Carrara on November 18 2005 with an OP 2 and was admitted to Griffith University to undertake an undergraduate Bachelor's Degree. Owing to legal litigation and red tape surrounding non-Australian residents/citizens, Bands was left with no option but to use 2006 as a period of deferment with which to raise tertiary moneys and await permanent residency status.
Bands plans on acquiring a BSc in Pharmaceutical Science and later a postgraduate medical degree, with the intention of becoming an M.D and Drug Researcher. He also intends on participating in large-scale scientific and medical research, possibly in genetics, with the hope of discovering (or helping to discover) cures for major ailments such as cancer. Ultimately he would like his studies to lead him towards becoming a professor, author or both. He is also keen on the possibility of entering politics or becoming a public speaker for a worthy institute.
See also Ideologies section.
Current status
In 2006 Bands works full-time at KMart Southport in the sporting department. Most of his earnings are placed in an investment account with Westpac bank, to be spent on his 2007 University costs. He currently lives with his parents and brothers in Carrara.
Bands is currently reading through a large number of books he obtained from The list is as follows:
Books regarding evolutionary biology and religion:
Books regarding other philosophies:
On December 21 and December 22, 2006, Tyde obtained Christmas money from his parents, and spent over half of it promptly on books. He also placed two Amazon orders soon thereafter. Having newfound interest in Classics, political novels and Dystopian fiction, the list is as follows:
- Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
- Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert,
- The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin,
- Plato's The Republic,
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, (Completed)
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, and
- The Complete Novels of George Orwell, including Animal Farm, A Clergyman's Daughter, Nineteen Eighty-Four amongst others.
- The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker,
- Cosmos, The Demon-Haunted World and Pale Blue Dot, all by Carl Sagan.
- Red Strangers by Elspeth Huxley.
- Island by Aldous Huxley.
- Breakfast Of Champions and Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (after reading Slaughterhouse-Five borrowed from the local library, and loving it).
- The Eden Express by Mark Vonnegut.
- A Fire Upon the Deep (in progress) and Marooned in Realtime by Vernor Vinge.
- Foundation by Isaac Asimov.
- The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.
- Crime and Punishment and Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
- Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.
Bands is also currently reading through Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters by Matt Ridley, though it is a library copy.
In time Bands would also like to read more works by the above authors as well as others, including:
Significant family members and friends
Name |
Relation |
Lifespan |
Location |
Gail Gillian Bands
(nee Anders) |
Mother |
October 4, 1966
- present. |
Australia |
Aryn Lazar Bands |
Brother |
November 9, 1989
- present. |
Australia |
Basil Lloyd Bands |
Father |
October 14, 1935
- October 26, 1998. |
N/A |
Abraham William Bands |
Paternal grandfather |
August 29, 1911
- March 20, 1981. |
N/A |
Gwendolyn Bands
(nee McCreadie) |
Paternal grandmother |
January 11, 1911
- October 16, 1983. |
N/A |
Edward John Leamy |
Stepfather |
October 29, 1957
- present. |
Australia |
Edward Leamy Jnr. |
Stepbrother |
August 15, 1990
- present. |
Australia |
Alexander John Leamy |
Stepbrother |
March 23, 1994
- present. |
Australia |
Kieryn Tom Leamy |
Half-brother |
July 29, 2006
- present. |
Australia |
Maureen Margaret Groves
(nee Newby) |
Maternal grandmother |
August 17, 1947
- present. |
South Africa |
Thomas Peter Groves |
Husband of maternal grandmother |
November 23, 1941
- October 13, 2005 |
N/A |
Kenneth Ernest Anders |
Maternal grandfather |
April 24, 1942
- present. |
South Africa |
Beverly Dawn Stuttaford
(nee Anders) |
Maternal Aunt |
July 27, 1969
- present. |
South Africa |
Richard Stuttaford |
Husband of maternal aunt |
- present. |
South Africa |
Lauren Rachel Stuttaford |
Maternal cousin |
November 26, 1996
- present. |
South Africa |
Amy Robyn Stuttaford |
Maternal cousin |
January 3, 1999
- present. |
South Africa |
Name |
Breed/sex |
Lifespan |
Location |
Mijo |
Tonkinese female |
c. 1984
-July 21, 2001. |
South Africa |
Leia |
Brown Burmese female |
October 16, 1998
- c. April 2000. |
South Africa |
Balu |
Cream Burmese female |
November 15, 1998
- c. 2005. |
South Africa |
Oliver |
Lilac Burmese male |
April 9, 1999
- June 29, 2000 |
South Africa |
Sophie |
Chocolate Burmese female |
August 28, 1999
- present. |
South Africa |
Black Jack |
Bombay male |
December 2, 1999
- present. |
South Africa |
Chester |
Blue Burmese male |
April 24, 2002
- present. |
Australia |
Roxy |
Chocolate Burmese female |
September 15, 2002
- present. |
Australia |
Arcturus |
Red Burmese male |
November 3, 2005
- November 15, 2006. |
Australia |
Name |
Lifespan |
Eva Taylor-Jarvoll |
September 19, 1988
-present. |
Lachlan Fraser Macleod |
August 18, 1987
-present. |
Christopher James Broadbent |
May 22, 1988
-present. |
Jeremy Andrew Hutton |
October 2, 1987
-present. |
Christopher Scott Kellogg |
July 23, 1988
-present. |
Adam Grant Jensen |
July 25, 1988
-present. |
Matthew William Jellicoe |
June 7, 1988
-present. |
Daniel James Creamer |
May 9, 1988
-present. |
Sarah Sihan Zhao |
April 29, 1988
-present. |
Christopher David Furneaux |
December 14, 1988
-present. |
Harry William Fleet |
October 28, 1988
-present. |
Brendon Raymond Sheldrick |
October 17, 1987
-present. |
Stuart William Berry |
November 3, 1988
-present. |
Shaping, ideologies and conditioning
Bands was educated in mostly Christian institutions, eventually adopting this religion in mid-2002. In August 2004, after reading of Einsteinian relativity and some anecdotes on Sociobiology, Bands permanently rejected his faith and became a secular atheist. He remains an unaffected atheist to this day.
Bands is a regular user of the Internet and reads numerous books, with some of his chief ideological influences including Richard Dawkins, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Daniel Dennett and Bertrand Russell. In 2005 Bands read of the popular Intelligent Design theory in Phillip E. Johnson's popular Darwin on Trial. While Bands appreciated Johnson's approach to the matter, as well as some of his arguments, he rejected the I.D theory and to this day still denies the existence of any omnipotent deity, including (indeed, especially) Yahweh. He also noted that while the I.D proponents argued for the existence of any deity, almost all of them were closet Christians.
Bands has no interest in religious studies of any type (apart from those that criticise or examine it), considering religion one of the prime causes of stupidity, ignorance and fear in almost all societies worldwide. He has numerous standpoints on religion and is also a firm hater of Christianity, a religion he claims is the religious equivalent of fascism. Bands, however, has become so accustomed to Judo-Chrisitan ignorance in his everyday life that he tolerates it indifferently. Bands firmly believes that religious belief is essentially escapism.
Tyde, being a "bright" and a firm advocate of secularism and the improvement of the future, finds it exceedingly important for research to be unhindered by unrational social dogma (some of based on religion). To this end, it must be noted that while he appreciates Eliezer Yudkowsky's approach to shaping the future, he also remains reverant of some elements of the status quo that he thinks should be preserved. As far as his ideals for the future are concerned, Tyde believes governmental spending on War and the unemployed should be reduced or removed to faciliate spending on Space Travel, Genetic (and other Scientific) research and Education.
As a Wikipedian
Tyde Bands joined Wikipedia on July 29, 2005 and in February 2006 started contributing regularly.
Bands contributes mainly in his areas of interest, usually with section-edits. He enjoys checking and updating Geographical Co-ordinates and contributing to areas concerned with Mapping, Geography and Biology. Please see his talk page for current projects, the latest and greatest of which is Wikiproject Climate and his primary contributions towards it.
Tyde is a member of the following WikiProjects:
He is also a member of the English versions of Wikimedia Commons, Wikiquote and Wiktionary.
Userbox namespace: /UBX
My personal reference point: /WP
Attitude and persona
While emotionally detached in matters of the heart, Tyde is an agressive and competitive person in matters that are of significance to him. He is highly philosophical and a "thinker" (for use of cliche), and while not afraid to express his views, usually keeps them to himself for his own good.
When asked to comment upon a particular belief, Bands does so with vigour and conviction, however without the motive of spreading his ideas to others, mostly because they aren't very receptive to them in the first instance.
Bands has a genuine, satirical, quick-witted (though often snide and antisocial) comportment and conducts himself extrovertedly in suitable company, though is more of an introvert in the company of strangers and newcomers. He is often shrewd and calculating, especially in matters of finance and others' characters. He is also noted for his wacky sense of humour and appreciation of wordplay.
Despite his very defined set of convictions (ever-changing as he gains greater understanding of the world), Tyde has little difficulty tolerating almost any character traits in others. This can often be problematic when belief clashes with compassion, as it so frequently does.
Tyde's personality type is INTJ according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test.
Interests, mannerisms and abilities
Since a young age Bands has shown interest in Medicine, human physiology, birdwatching, Geography, Meteorology, Aviation, Motorsport, African wildlife, the outdoors and indeed camping. Bands, not unlike some borderline autistics, pursues all of his interests with great vigour. At Age 8 he was capable of naming every human organ and labelling at least 100 countries on a world map. He aquired a pair of binoculars at roughly the same time and pursued birdwatching intensely, successfully identifying 110 species upon his first 2-week holiday to the Kruger National Park at Age 12. He later went on to identify a further 50 during successive trips. A broad General knowledge has long been one of Tyde's chief characteristics; his favourite board game as a child was Trivial Pursuit.
In late 2002 Bands developed an intense interest in Astrology and Numerology; both were since rejected when he became secular and atheist in 2004.
Reading and books
Bands has been an avid reader since a young age, starting off with favourites Dr. Suess, Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. Despite his vivid imagination and interest in fiction, Bands always had an intense passion for non-fiction, his favourite of which were world atlases, guides to the Solar System and advanced Human Body books. In his years he has read all of the Harry Potter series as well as some books of The Chronicles of Narnia series. In his adolescent years he has taken to reading numerous books by John Grisham as well as informative non-fiction such as those by Dawkins and Kant. He is also the owner of over seven dictionaries and thesauruses, books he has colleced since Age 13. Indeed, Bands has an insatiable interest in the usage of the English language.
Physical pursuits
Bands, inspired by his late father, has been interested in fitness for many years. As a youngster he pursued bodyboarding and swimming passionately. These interests faded in his adolescence, and he took up nightly callisthenics such as push-ups and sit-ups in early 2002, a ritual he continues to this day. Bands enjoyed brief stints with rugby and cricket in his years growing up, proving neither interested nor especially skilled in either as the years transpired.
Academic pursuits
Bands showed interest and prowess in all of his academic pursuits, with the exception of Afrikaans, which was taught as a second language in South Africa. From Age 10-14, Bands was highly interested in Drama, a subject he later resented. In his later high school years, Bands was most keen in Chemistry, Biology and Geography. Despite having some latent talent in Mathematics, Bands never pursued it with much vigour and was indeed bored by its recurrent subject matter.
Bands participated in numerous academic competitions, his most notable achievements being:
- Westpac Australian Maths Competition: High Distinction, 1st in cohort (2004)
- RACI Chemistry Quiz: High Distinction (2003, 2004, 2005)
- Bond University Quiz Night: Member of second-placed team (2005).
Indeed, throughout all of his school years, Bands was reknowned more as an academic than a sportsman. Information Technology was not a subject in which he partook in Australia, however he averaged 97% for the subject in his earlier years. He learned basic HTML in 2005, but never became an advanced computer user. In April 2006 Tyde started learning some elements of XHTML, XML and CSS to facilitate the creation of his website.
Multimedia interests
Bands has been an avid gamer since a young age, starting with the Super Mario series he played on the SNES. Some of his all-time favourites include Red Alert (PC), Red Alert 2 (PC), Tiberian Sun (PC), Unreal (PC) Tekken 3 (PS1), the entire Flight Simulator series (PC), Halo 2 (Xbox) and of course Pokemon(GB).
Bands' taste in music has always been Alternative Rock, New Wave and other alternative musics, much of it heard on parents' LP's; he has been a hater of most, indeed almost all, modern popular (Pop Music) ephemery for his entire life. Some all time favourites include Talking Heads, Radiohead, Bryan Adams, Dire Straits, OMD and Dream Theater, with other 80's and 90's bands featuring prominently amongst his usual listening.
Mannerisms and Quirks
Bands' tutors, peers and parents have long suspected he suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Tourette Syndrome. Despite his occasional bouts of hyperactivity and making weird noises, Bands maintains that he does not suffer from the conditions, nor any other mental defect. lol.
Tyde has been afflicted by a number of phobias since he was young, thouh has overcome a select few in his lifetime. In his youth Tyde was the victim of particularly vivid nightmares in which he constructed terrifying life-like characters; of particular note is Clown Blo (pronounced "blaugh"), described in these succeeding paragraphs.
Clown Blo
Somewhere between 1992 and 1994, Tyde (aged c. 4-6) created the antagonist character "Clown Blo" in his nightmares, some of which became recurrent and highly traumatising. Blo persisted in his nightmares until c. 1998, after which time her frequence in his dreamworld faded dramatically. Her general characteristics are identified as follows:
- Blo, despite lacking secondary sexual characteristics, is identified as female,
- Despite having only a vague physical and behavioral likeness to a Clown, Blo is unanimously identified as a clown in the dreamworld,
- She possesses a wide range of metaphysical and supernatural powers, including:
- Teleportation, including the ability to cause Tyde to teleport to new surroundings,
- Structural polymorphism, in particular Incognito disguise/mimicry, whereby Blo assumes the physical identity of a well-known family member (esp. Tyde's mother) in order to deceive Tyde and lure him towards her,
- Self-cloning; interestingly, Blo's clones are miniature versions of herself, about 1/3 of her height but roughly equivalent in width, ergo having the physical morphology of a dwarf,
- Exceedingly fast locomotion in the form of running,
- The ability to cause power failures, and,
- The ability to manipulate the time of day and air temperature.
- Blo is about 6 ' 8 " , is entirely white and wears what is thought to be a hybrid between a tracksuit and astronaut suit,
- Though she is a biped and appears relatively human, Blo has very large conical projections on either side of her head and her eyes resemble hypnotic swirls,
- Her primary motive appears to be petrifying and traumatising Tyde, without causing physical harm in any way. Her scream ("Blo!!") was characteristic of all nightmares in which she featured and usually resulted in Tyde waking up.
The generic structure of a Clown Blo nightmare is as follows:
- Equilibrium phase: Tyde is in a state of normal equilibriate and peaceful surroundings; in effect, he is experiencing any nondescript dream.
- Shift phase: Tyde starts to become terrified. Power failure may occur, air temperature drops and light levels decrease dramatically. Other dream characters may disappear, leaving Tyde alone and vulnerable. It is of special note that Tyde was never haunted by Blo until he was alone; it is possible that their disappearance either allowed Blo to exploit his vulnerability or was a manifestation of Blo's presence, that is to say, she caused their disappearance. Oddly, Tyde actively seeks out Blo during this phase.
- Confrontation phase: Tyde encounters Blo and attempts to hide from her. The climax phase often soon follows or is concordant with this phase, however in some instances the confrontation phase was prolonged as Blo sought and petrified Tyde.
- Climax phase: Blo screams and Tyde awakens.
Other fears
As a youngster Tyde suffered from Achluophobia and slept with a light on. He largely overcame this in his early teenage years. To this day he still suffers Agoraphobia (oddly enough, not during air travel) and an advanced form of Entomophobia - being afraid of large beetles and other insects. His fear of large insects is highly debilitating; should he encounter a large beetle in flight, typical phobic manifestations such as tachycardia and pupil dilation will occur and he will promptly run indoors.
TydeNet: (noun) small online community created by Tyde Bands. Founded on July 10, 2005, it fast became a portal through which users could comminicate. Its slogan is "One Word seven letters", derived from a schoolyard parody. TydeNet is located at Since its inception it has gone through numerous stages of development and is currently in its second fully functional version. Tyde has been aided greatly by Chris Broadbent in the administration and indeed creation of his website.
In late January 2006, following an extended bout of disuse, Broadbent, also the administrator and host, came to a mutual agreement with Bands that the website be terminated. And so it was.
In April 2006 Tyde re-launched TydeNet as a freewheeling blog with daily updates and a functional RSS feed.
Versions and lineage
- 10 July - 22 September 2005 - TydeNet 1.0 - 1.1 - Simple HTML welcome page with myfreebb forums engine. Version 1.1 saw an enhanced interface created by Broadbent using Dreamweaver. Bands started a journal on this version, but it was short-lived. Hosted by Bigpond and accessible via a dot tk domain, "" (this domain remains active).
- 23 September 2005- 31 January 2006 - TydeNet 2.0 - e107 PHP system, supported multiple members. Hosted on Broadbent's server. Integrated forums saw the demise of the myfreebb service, though the new ones were not as popular. The e107 system was shut down in January 2006, though the domain still redirects here.
- 27 November 2005 - TydeBlog 1.0 - Abandoned attempt at journal service hosted on same bigpond server. A new dot tk domain was opened and later terminated.
- 15 April 2006 onwards - TydeNet 3.0 - 3.1 - Created vanity landing page on bigpond server. Version 3.1 saw the introduction of a Maddox-inspired blogging service with daily updates. The domain is maintained over for the time being and is the current referrer.
It can be said that the Blogger pages Neo-Pagan Mafia and Dual-Wielding Noob are descended of the TydeNet lineage, however Tyde believes this is not so.
Current webpage
TydeNet Version 3.1, more commonly referred to as God I Rock can be found at It is hosted by Bigpond at the subdomain Tyde has a Statistics counter to which he subscribes in order to check traffic; the site also has a working RSS feed. However, the feed was programmed by Bands and is not as automated as more common blogging XML atoms.
The nature of the current webpage is largely Maddox-based entertainment and vanity, but with Tyde's honest opinion. Updates are daily and topics vary, but most concern societal problems that Tyde resents.
Tyde programs all of his material from scratch using Notepad. His abilities are taught from web-based tutorials.
- The phpbb forums still exist and are accessible at [1]. Over 4500 posts were logged in the 2 short months the service remained popular and fully accessible.
TydeNet - Wesbite.
Neo-Pagan Mafia- Tyde's Blog regarding intellectual arguments.
Vandalism by the Emmanuel College IP
I understand that many Emmanuel College students who (inadvertently or otherwise) stumble across my page may be tempted into vandalising it. Note that the Emmanuel IP is on the watchlist; any edits made by it are promptly tracked and almost always reverted.
As of April 1, my userpage will be protected from IP-address and new-user edits. This includes Emmanuel College.