Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement
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The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is an award for environmental science, energy, and medicine. Tyler Laureates receive a $200,000 annual prize and a gold medallion. The prize is administered by the University of Southern California and was established by the late John and Alice Tyler in 1973.
[edit] Laureates
- 2006: David W. Schindler and Igor A. Shiklomanov
- 2005: Charles D. Keeling and Lonnie G. Thompson
- 2004: Barefoot College and Red Latinoamericana de Botanica
- 2003: Hans Herren, Yoel Margalith and Sir Richard Doll
- 2002: Wallace S. Broecker and Tungsheng Liu
- 2001: Jared M. Diamond and Thomas E. Lovejoy
- 2000: John P. Holdren
- 1999: T. T. Chang and Joel E. Cohen
- 1998: Anne H. Ehrlich and Paul R. Ehrlich
- 1997: Jane Goodall, Biruté Galdikas and George Schaller
- 1996: Willi Dansgaard, Hans Oeschger and Claude Lorius
- 1995: Clair C. Patterson
- 1994: Arturo Gomez-Pompa and Peter H. Raven
- 1993: F. Herbert Bormann and Gene E. Likens
- 1992: Perry L. McCarty and Robert M. White
- 1991: C. Everett Koop and M. S. Swaminathan
- 1990: Thomas Eisner and Jerrold Meinwald
- 1989: Paul J. Crutzen and Edward D. Goldberg
- 1988: Bert R. J. Bolin
- 1987: Richard E. Schultes and Gilbert F. White
- 1986: Werner Stumm and Richard Vollenweider
- 1985: Bruce N. Ames and the Organization for Tropical Studies
- 1984: Roger R. Revelle and Edward O. Wilson
- 1983: Harold S. Johnston, Mario J. Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland
- 1982: Carroll L.Wilson and the Southern California Edison Company
- 1978: Russell E. Train
- 1977: Eugene P. Odum
- 1976: Abel Wolman, Charles S. Elton and Rene Dubos
- 1975: Ruth Patrick
- 1974: Arie Jan Haagen-Smit, G. Evelyn Hutchinson and Maurice Strong