Tzivos Hashem
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Tzivos Hashem, was founded in 1981 by the Lubavitcher Rebbe and is today is the foremost worldwide organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of Jewish children.
[edit] Participants
Participants in Tzivos Hashem programs are under the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah from backgrounds spanning the spectrum of levels of Jewish education and commitment to Jewish affiliation, without regard to social and economic status.
[edit] Aims
From its headquarters in Brooklyn, Tzivos Hashem spearheads the trend to revive Jewish identity in children and provide them with a Jewish education through informal and entertaining programs, modern cutting edge teaching methods, first-class publications and personal encounters.
Enrolling in Tzivos Hashem and following its program of Torah study and performance of Mitzvos, prepares today’s children for a seamless transition into Jewish adulthood, ensuring continuity of Jewish values and traditions.
[edit] Outline of the History of Tzivos Hashem
(All seasons relate to the northern hemisphere).
[edit] Fall 1980 - 5741
- Establishment of Tzivos Hashem Activities Fall 1980 - 5741The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson encourages Jewish children to enlist in Tzivos Hashem. Enrollment pours in from many countries. Registration is recorded in pencil on cards
- The Tzivos Hashem emblem is designed under the scrutiny of the Rebbe
- Soldiers go up in Rank
- The Rebbe hosts Rallies for Tzivos Hashem
- Children begin learning twelve Torah passages selected by the Rebbe
[edit] 1981 - 5741
- Youth Groups
- Tzivos Hashem Choir adopted the theme song ‘We Want Moshiach Now’
- Tzivos Hashem enrollment reaches 60,000 boys and girls
[edit] 1982 - 5742
- The Moshiach Times Magazine
- The comic character Shpy is created for Tzivos Hashem
- Pesach Experience
- Tzivos Hashem Radio Show
- Rallies with the Rebbe
[edit] 1983 - 5743
- Registration reaches 100,000 in North America and 250,000 children worldwide.
- Tzivos Hashem Newsletter
- Lag B’Omer Parade
- Sukkos Experience
[edit] 1984 - 5744
- Tzivos Hashem Pen-Pal Program Dial-a-Jewish Story
- Tzivos Hashem visits schools presenting a Matza baking program
- Schools tour the Matza Bakery
- Tzivos Hashem visits children in hospitals
- Tzivos Hashem records soldiers’ rank in a computerized database
[edit] 1985 - 5745
- The Matza Ball Race
- Jewish Heroes' and ‘Good News’ columns in Newsletter
- The Moshiach Times is published in Italian
- Traveling Tzivos Hashem Programs visit schools, camps, Y’s and youth groups
[edit] 1986 - 5746
- The Wonderful World of Shabbos
- After school tutoring programs
- Child’s Hotline
- The Summer Experience
- The Tzivos Hashem Bookstore
- The Dreidel House
[edit] 1987 - 5747
- Sergeant Shmulke appears in the Tzivos Hashem Newsletter
- Tzivos Hashem Summer Camp
- Tours with entertainer Moshe Yess
[edit] 1988 - 5748
- ‘We Want Moshiach Now’ bumper stickers
- Tzivos Hashem rooms
- Project Identity: Canarsie
- The Jewish Birthday Club
- HaChai Publications is founded to honor the memory of the Rebbe’s wife Rebitzen Chaya Mushka
- The Jewish Expo opens in the Javits Convention Center
[edit] 1989 - 5749
- The first Shomer Shabbos baseball team
- A big brother/big sister program named ‘Achim’
- The Shpy records a cassette tape
[edit] 1990 - 5750
- Jewish Chaplaincy Program for Boy Scouts of America
- ‘Step Up’ Bar Mitzvah program
[edit] 1991 - 5751 Ten Years of Tzivos Hashem
- The Jewish Family Expo exhibited in Moscow and Paris
- Enrollment in Tzivos Hashem exceeds 300,000 children
- "Dial a Jewish Story" becomes internationally syndicated
- Shomer Shabbos Little League expanded to four teams
[edit] 1992 - 5752
- Animated Chanukah windows on Fifth Avenue
- Chanukah House
- The International Jewish Camp Scholarship Fund
[edit] 1993 - 5753
- Jewish Craft Workshops
- The Jewish Children’s Fund
- The Jewish Expo takes semi-permanent residency in the Yale building
- Plans begin for The Jewish Children’s Museum
- Youth Clubs in Russia
- Project Keep Warm
[edit] 1994 - 5754
- National Rambam Contest
- Yeshivas Erev
- Educational publications translated into six languages
[edit] 1995 - 5755
- Israeli, and Russian children join the Shomer Shabbos Little League
In the former Soviet Union:
- Summer camp
- Winter camp
- Pesach camp
- Russian language newsletter
[edit] 1996 - 5756
- Torah Knowledge contest in Russia Winner of Russian contest visit New York
- Project Second Chance
- Video production of ‘Professor Pellah’s Place’
[edit] 1997 - 5757
- Plans for orphanages in Russia
- Land purchased and cleared for The Jewish Children’s Museum
- Jewish Craft Workshops tour Israel
- HaChai Publishers produces its 50th book
[edit] 1998 - 5758
- The Esther and William Benenson Home for Jewish Boys in Ukraine
- The Esther and William Benenson Home for Jewish Girls in Ukraine
- The Marcia Wilf and Ira Yavarkovsky Jewish Children’s Clinic in Ukraine
- The Bat Mitzvah Club
- Staffweek for boys
- Tzivos Hashem Craft Workshops Tour Russia
- The 100th Issue of The Moshiach Times magazine
[edit] 1999- 5759
- Gwathmey Siegel Architects Associates to design The Jewish Children’s Museum
- Douglas/Gallagher to design exhibits for The Jewish Children’s Museum
- Ground breaking ceremony for The Jewish Children’s Museum
- HaChai publication wins prestigious children’s book award
- Food Pantry in Ukraine
- Craft Workshops in India
[edit] 2000 - 5760
- The Joseph Papp Children’s Humanitarian Fund
- Chayolei Bais Dovid Clubs for Kids
- Bat Mitzvah Club operates in 100 cities
- 15th Youth Club opens in the former Soviet Union
- Staffweek for girls
- Jewish Theme Series
- Winter Camp
- features animated Chanuka website
- Building in Zaparoshe, Ukraine purchased for medical center