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Ugartsthal, a village, German colony in administrative district of Kałusz, 7 km on the west from Kałusz (district - court, railway station, office postal and telegraph). On the north lies Wierzchnia and Mościska, to the east Kałusz, to the south Siwka, on the west Kropiwnik. Through the centre of village flows Kropiwnik stream, through northern part flows Froniłów or Fornelów, left inflow of Kropiwnik Buildings of the village lie near the border of Siwka (Mt. 316 m.). The village creates one commune with Siwka.
In 1880 year there were 62 houses, 423 inhabitants in the commune (43 Greek-Catholic, 3 Roman-Catholic, 365 Protestants, 12 Israelites; 14 Poles, 43 Rusins (Ruthenian, old name for the Ukrainian), 366 German). The Evangelical Parish in the place from 1784, the church from 1788 . To the parish belongs 3320 souls. Branches: Landestreu, Nowica, and Petranka. In the village there is a religious school and communal loan-society (Earning Cashier) with capital 535 złr"
The Ugartsthal name of the village, and other similar localities (e.g. Ugartsberg) originate from the name of the contemporary Austrian governor of Galicia, Ugarte. The name of Ugartsthal was changed by Polish administration in the late 1930’s to Tespowo . The village of Landestreu changed at the same time the name to Mazurówka .
In the Bredetzki's register in Ugartsthal there are found 63 families (327 "souls" - persons). Pastorate embraced following localities : Ugartsthal , Landestreu , Kałusz , Neu-Dolina , Engelsberg , Horocholina , Wełdzirz, Stanisławów , Bohorodczany , Grabowiec , Sołotwina , Nowica, Petranka, Krasna.
In 1820 Stephan Philipps, living in New Kałusz (Neu-Kalusz) had 2,490 jochs (joch = a unit of cultivated land) of land, and Nikolaus Philipps living at the same place - 2, 4 jochs .
[edit] Founders of Ugartsthal
- 1. Friedrich Moßmann from Alba bei Mug in Chur' schen, shepherd, wife Marie Kath. Dressler (in) from Bingert by Kreuznach (Pfalz)
- 2. Johannes Harz, farmer (Bauer), Altleinigen in Palatinate (Pfalz, exactly Kurpfalz), County Leiningen
- 3. Benjamin Appel, bachelor, bricklayer, Bayreuth in Bavaria (Bayern)
- 4. Joh. Nik. Gross, born 1766, farmer, Braunweiller in Nassau - Weilburg,
- 5. Maria Christina Kuhlmann, nee Wirth, from Bechtolsheim (Hessen), the wife of the farmer (Landwirt) Joh. Carl Kuhlmann,
- 6. Christina Elis. Schramm nee Koch, from Bechtolsheim, the wife of Johann Schramm , shoemaker
- 7. Daniel Schäfer from Bettenhausen, dep. Donnersberg.
- 8. Heinr. Ebling and his wife Christine nee Weiss, from Bettenhausen, as above
- 9. Georg Daniel Matheuß, farmer from Bosenbach (Pfalz - Zweibrücken), and his wife Marg. Niebergall from Nußbaum
- 10. Joh. Nikolaus Layh (also Leib, Layb), farmer from Dürkheim, count Leiningen,
- 11. Joh. Adam Kitsch, farmer from Erpoldsheim (Pfalz), and his wife Anna Maria Kohlenberg(in)
- 12. Georg Joh. Endel, farmer from Eschburg in Nassau – Saarbrücken (Alsace), and his wife Maria Kath. Kohlenberg(in)
- 13. Nikolaus Entel, settler from Eschburg in Nassau - Saarbrücken, and his wife Anna Barbara Beren(in)
- 14. Margaretha Rückert, nee Ernst from Gochsheim in Baden, the wife of Georg Christian Rückert,
- 15. Friederika Ernst, Gochsheim
- 16. Christina Gebhardt, weaver from Germesheim in Pfalz,
- 17. Joh. Lorenz Hackenschmied, tailor from Gombach in Pfalz, and his wife Maria Marg. Mann(in)
- 18. Joh. Karl Kullmann, farmer from Göttschied in Baden – Durlach (Birkenfeld?), and his wife Maria Christina Wirth, a widow to Harth
- 19. Gottfried Huth, joiner from Größingen in Wirtemberg, wife Sara Hohr(in)
- 20. Abraham Bauer from Gumbsweiler (dep. Donnersberg, canton Wolfstein), wife Maria Barbara Hartmann,
- 21. Margaretha Göretz nee Müller, from Hasskirchen in Nassau - Saarbrücken, wife of the weaver Wilhelm Göretz from Fleisheim
- 22. Margaretha Gerlipp nee Andress(in) from Harrheim, wife of the farmer Heinrich Gerlipp from Wachenheim
- 23. Eva Rosina, widow to Gross, nee Andress from Harrheim
- 24. Friedrich Andress, farmer from Harrheim, and his wife Anna Maria Prinz(in)
- 25. Marg. Elis. Burkhardt nee Ried, from Heidelsheim (Baden), the wife of the teacher Philipp Heinrich Burkhardt
- 26. Peter Göretz, bricklayer from Ibesheim (Ilgesheim, Iggelheim) in the count Grumbach, and his wife Maria Elis. Bishop from Münchweiller on Glan
- 27. Anna Maria Walter nee Spang, from Imsbach in Baden - Durlach, wife of Joh. Jakob Walter
- 28. Heinrich Müller, weaver (Leinweber) from Ipresheim in Alsace, and his wife Maria Elis. Hackenschmidt
- 29. Joh. Christian Wirth, farmer from Kesselbach in Nassau - Usingen, and his wife Maria Kath. Rickert (Rückert)
- 30. Friedrich Wirth, born 1759, from Kesselbach, and his wife El. M. Rickert
- 31. Kath. Christine Müller nee Bieber, from Kirrberg in Nassau - Saarbr., wife of the farmer Ludwig Müller from Haaskirchen
- 32. Anna Maria Barbara Andress nee Prinz, from Kufersheim in Principality Salm (Fürstentum of Salm), a wife of Friedrich Andress from Harrheim
- 33. Anna Elisabeth, widow to Schuhmann, Prinz, from Kufersheim
- 34. Christina, widow to Rosch, nee Prinz, from Kufersheim
- 35. Johannes Prinz, from Kufersheim
- 36. Elis. Dorothea Rückert nee Föllner, from Kinderheim in Pfalz, wife of the farmer Joh. Georg Rückert from Orla in Nassau Ufingen
- 37. Elis. Dorothea, widow to Layh, nee Bender, from Kinderheim
- 38. Anna Maria Kitsch nee Kohlenberg, from Lambrecht in Pfalz, wife of Joh. Adam Kitsch from Erpoldsheim
- 39. Maria Elis. Messner, seamstress, from Mannweiler in Pfalz
- 40. Gertrude Schmied, (widow?), from Mannheim (Baden)
- 41. Philipp Heinrich Burkhardt, teacher from Morbach in Zweibrücken, and his wife Marg. Elis. Ried from Heidelsheim
- 42. Marie Elis. Göretz nee Bishop from Münchweiler (n. Glan) in Leinigen, wife of bricklayer Peter Göretz from Ilgesheim
- 43. Elis. Widow to Breath, nee Bishop, from Münchweiler
- 44. Philippine Schneider nee Bishop, from Münchweiler, wife of Philipp Schneider from Siegen
- 45. Joh. Lorenz Hackenschmied, shoemaker from Münchweiler
- 46. Elis. Marg. widow to Merk, nee Basold, from Münchweiler
- 47. Nikolaus Schan (Jean?), farmer and shepherd, from Münchweiler, and his wife Maria Christina nee Müller, from Haaskirchen
- 48. Maria Kath. Wirth, nee Breath, born 1773, wife of the farmer Joh. Christian Wirth, from Münchweiler Usingen in Leinigen
- 49. Gerhardt Breath, born 1737, as above
- 50. Jakob Kitsch, farmer, from Mussbach in Pfalz, and his wife Anna Maria Messler
- 51. Maria Kath. Anweiler from Niedersalm in Pfalz, wife of the farmer Heinrich Anweiler from Nußloch
- 52. Johannes Zorn, farmer from Niedersalm, and his wife Karolina Friedrike Burkhardt from Reichau (Galicia)
- 53. Joh. Philipp Zorn, farmer from Niedersalm, wife Elis. Rückert from Orlau
- 54. Joh. Gabriel Zorn, farmer from Niedersalm, wife Maria Dorothe Layh from Wachenheim
- 55. Joh. Philipp Steffen, farmer from Niedersalm, wife Marg. Ritter from Oftersheim
- 56. Christoph Harth, widower, born 1769, from Niedersalm
- 57. Marie Elis. Layh nee Anweiler, from Nußloch in Mittelpfalz (Baden ?), wife of the farmer Konrad Layh from Wachenheim
- 58. Heinrich Anweiler, farmer from Nußloch, wife Maria Kath.
- 59. Elis. Marg. Niebergall from Nußbaum in Mittelpfalz, wife of Georg Daniel Matheiss, born 1781
- 60. Margarethe Steffen nee Ritter, from Oftersheim, wife of the farmer Joh. Phillip Steffen from Niedersalm.
- 61. Ludwig Messerschmied, widower, from Orbis in Nassau - Weilburg
- 62. Joh. Rückert, farmer, wife Elis. Dorothe Föllner, from Orlau in Nassau - Usingen
- 63. Elis. Zorn nee Rückert, from Orlau, wife of Joh. Philipp Zorn
- 64. Georg Christov Rückert, from Orlau, wife Elis. Marg. Haberstock
- 65. Georg Philipp Rückert from Orlau
- 66. Tobias Junker, joiner, from Rickertshausen in Nassau - Usingen
- 67. Sara Huth nee Horn(in), from Ruchheim by Mutterstadt in Nassau - Weilburg, wife of the joiner Gottfried Huth
- 68. Wilh. Lien(e)bach, weaver from Sele in Zweibrücken.
- 69. Philipp Schneider, from Siegen in Princ. (Fürstentum) Salm, and his wife Philippine Bishop from Münchweiler
- 70. Anna Marg. Zorn nee Romer, from Stadbüden (Stadtecken) in Mittelpfalz
- 71. Matheus Harz, from Wachenheim on Pfrimm in Leinigen, wife Maria Dorothea Walter
- 72. Konrad Layh, farmer from Wachenheim, wife Maria Elis. Anweiler
- 73. Heinrich Gerlipp, farmer from Wachenheim, wife Anna Maria Spang
- 74. Maria Dorothea Zorn nee Layh, from Wachenheim, wife of Joh. Gabriel Zorn
- 75. Gabriel Keller, farmer from Weitersborn in Baden - Durlach (Winterborn?)
- 76. Xaver Beck and Marianna, Winterspur, Donnersberg (Winterborn?)
- 77. Anna Maria Kitsch nee Messler, from Wrekstadt (Werkstadt), wife of Jakob Kitsch from Mußbach
- 78. Joh. Nikolaus Philipps, farmer from Zillingen, wife Maria Elis. Walter
- 79. Maria Christina Hackenschmidt nee Philipps, from Zilling.
Most of families originated from Electoral Palatinate (Kurpfalz), in south - westerly Germany (a border region with Lotaringia). Considerably smaller part originated from Lotaringia and Alsace, mostly from counties Nassau. From Lotaringia originate :
- Eschburg, Nassau - Saarbrücken: Georg Joh. Endel and Marie Kath. Kohlenbergin Nikolas Entel + Anna Barbara Berenin
- Haaskirchen - Harpfkirchen: Margarethe Göretz, nee Müller, wife of Wilh. Göretz from Ibelsheim
- Ipresheim (Ippersheim): Heinrich Müller, husband of Marie Elis. nee Hackenschmidt
- Kirchberg (Kirrberg): Kath. Christine Müller, nee Bieberin, wife of Ludwig Müller from Hasskirchen
- Ursbach in (county) Grafschaft Grünweiler (Urbach in Lotaringia?): Joh. Adam Kitsch.
- Zillingen: Johann Nikolaus Philipps, farmer, husband of Marie Elisabeth nee Walterin; (of A. C. Augsburg - Confessional faith) Marie Christine Hackenschmidt nee Philipps.
Also some families in Landestreu come from Lotaringia. These are the following families and localities in Lotaringia:
- Eschburg: Joh. Adam Endel, husband of Margarethe nee Dietrich from Hirschfeld
- Hirschfeld (in Leinigen): Michael Dietrich, husband of Marie Kath. Kullmännin from Göttscheid Marg. Endel nee Dietrich, wife of Joh. Adam Endel
- Stuckenroth: Anna Kath. Baumung (Baumunck) nee Wagnerin, wife of Joh. Adam Baumung
[edit] Sources
- Wielki Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego, Warszawa 1880
The count Alois Ugarte was an owner of the palace in Kravsko, Czech Rep.
- See: Alois Graf von und zu Ugarte ( d. 1845) was in 1828 - 1829 a member of the State Counsil – see:
- Herman Schick in his Memories of the Parish Ugartsthal – Landestreu („Zeitweiser der Galiziendeutschen 1976“, published also in Newsletter No. 6 of Galizien German Descendants) writes „that Ugartsthal was named after Herr von Ugart, the owner of the lands where the original 40 farms had been laid out“
- Herman Schick, Memories of the Parish Ugartsthal – Landestreu („Zeitweiser der Galiziendeutschen 1976“, published also in Newsletter No. 6 of Galizien German Descendants) – writes that Tespowo comes from the abbreviation TESP, that is Towarzystwo Eksploatacji Soli Potasowej – the Company for Exploration of Salt Mines in Kalusz
- Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an die Einwanderung der Deutschen in Galizien vor 150 Jahren, Poznań 1931,
- Ludwig Schneider, Das Kolonisationswerk Josefs II. in Galizien, Leipzig 1939. English translation is available at website: and was translated by Leona Rosenmeier (published in GGD #15, July 1998).
[edit] External links
- GALIZIEN GERMAN DESCENDANTS This E-group is to share information between the Galizien German Descendants searching for their family history. Galicia (Galizien, Galicja), a former Austrian province, was a part of South - East Poland, today Western Ukraine Galicia (Central Europe)