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- Age: Old enough to know better than to answer a question like this
- Race: Human
- Sex: Yes Please
- Sexual Orientation: I like chicks
- Religion: I'll believe it when I see it
- Nationality: Earthling
- Species: Hetero sapiens
- Political Affliation: Anyone who does not belong to the Republican Party of the United States or the Liberal Party of Canada, two of the most corrupt regimes in the free world.
- Favourite TV Show: Trailer Park Boys
[edit] Quotes from Uncle J
- Old enough to drive old enough to be driven (An argument for raising the age of consent to 16 rather than 14)
- Old enough to get paid, old enough to get laid (Another argument for making the age of consent 16 because you need to be 16 to work in most provinces)
- Straight until proven gay (a play on innocent until proven guilty)
- Are you staying at the Rico Suave (Rocco Forte)
- We've been in Queer all night (cue)
- I want a fucking Cyrus radio (Sirius)
- I don't like staying at the Paris Hilton, its too small and there isn't enough ball room
- Anal sex is shitty
- He's a biped (short form for bisexual pedophile, a play on words because biped also means two legged animal)
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