Category talk:User 1337-1
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[edit] I have an Idea
In the catorgory box it says:
"Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337."
Translation for n00bs:
this user is able to contribute with a basic level of leet.
As a Native 1337 speaker(and proud of it) I'am "offended" by the fact that this descrption does not use "proper" gramer of 1337! It should say this instead:
translation for n00bs:
I don't think there would be any problmes with that change since if your going to say you speak 1337 on your userpage why would be offended by it saying that your a 1337 n00b.--Scott3 01:46, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
- γ43h vv3 n33d 70 fi>< 747 pr0n7o -- koolone0 17:04, 19 February 2007 (UTC)