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VATPAC is VATSIM's Pacific Division and co-ordinates Simulated Air Traffic Control in the Oceania Region. In particular, Australia and the Pacific Islands. VATPAC is one of two divisions within VATSIM's Oceania Region. The other, VATNZ, commenced operations on January 1, 2007.
VATPAC is volunteer run, and administers virtual Air Traffic Control on the free, volunteer VATSIM network. VATPAC aims to inform and educate users as a service to both the online and real world aviation community. All information provided is for online use only, and not for real world navigation. All software and information is provided entirely free of charge and for the educational benefit of all.
VATSIM has been established to co-ordinate the world Simulated ATC functions. VATSIM servers link together so any one can connect to any server and see aircraft and controllers on other VATSIM servers.
Computer users flying in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2004/2002/2000/98/95), Aerowinx Precision Simulator (PS1), Terminal Reality's Fly! or Fly!2 and with an Internet connection in any part of the world, can experience full Air Traffic Control services that their real world counterparts experience.
Air Traffic Controllers have your location, altitude, groundspeed, callsign and flight path showing on a Radarscope.
Simulation pilots can practice instrument flying skills, practice ILS approaches or test their skill flying an NDB or VOR/DME approach using the navaids in the Flight Sim scenery.
Other pilots flying online can be seen and heard as they travel to their destination and talk to ATC.
The system gets real weather from the Internet and then puts this into the Flight Sim programme so that the pilot has the weather exactly as it is in the part of the world they're flying in.
Two freeware add-on programs are needed, one for the Aircraft end of the connection (Squawkbox) and the other for someone to act as a Controller ( Advanced Simulated Radar Client - ASRC) available from Avsim.