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vfd8990, also known as Brett Robinson IRL, is an avid Thespian. He has starred in This is a Test by Steven Gregg at Houston's Cook Middle School, and played the ever lovable Smee in the Cook Middle School production of Peter Pan. He is a believer of the ghost of Cook Middle School's stage, and often finds traces of its existance. He wears Lost shirts, a reebok hoodie, and pants. That's all. Just those things. His IQ is 133, as found out with Tickle's IQ Test(very accurate). He is friends with fellow Wikipedians, Cristian Dominguez,.
He also currently misses his friend Kelsey O'Briant, who he was school mates with at Cook Middle School. She is his favorite person in the WHOLE wide world. In fact, if she wasn't living, neither would he. He wishes that he could get in touch with her and catch up on old times. He only wants to go back to school to see her.
He is also very, VERY, obsessed with Lost, so much that if he was stuck on a deserted island with the Lost people, he would have a Heart attack before ever meeting them.Kelsey O'Briant also now watches LOST and might very well become obssesed too. Soon. But not as obssesed as Brett. Robinson.----by Christian Dominguez, with edit by Kelsey O'Briant (who is NOT on Wikipedia)
oh yeah. kelsey goes to your church occasionaly now, so you should come more often. as in every sunday of your life, cause she might be there.
[edit] Favorite Movies
- Clue - 1985 movie
- Billy Madison - 1995 movie
- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - 2003 movie
- [[Identity - 2003 movie
- The Manchurian Candidate - 2004 movie
- War of the Worlds (2005 film) - 2005 movie
- Back to the Future trilogy
To be continued.