Talk:Vistulan Country
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[edit] Talks of 2005
Most of the statements were not true see my comments on that page:
Cautious 23:32, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'Vistulan Country (Russian Привислинский Край, Privislinskiy Kray) was an informal name of the Polish lands incorporated into Imperial Russia after the fall of the November Uprising.' It is not true. This name was introduced sometime in 1880 Cautious 23:38, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'In 1832 all voivodships that constituted the Kingdom of Poland were turned into gubernias and became an integral part of Russia, ruled directly by the Russian tsars. ' False. Theoretically in 1832 there were introduced separate status for former Polish Kingdom. The basic law was never put in action though. Cautious 23:38, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- That's why I mentioned the de facto status, not the theory. Feel free to expand it and add the link to Organic Statute for the Kingdom of Poland. Halibutt
'In 1831 the Polish Army, constitution, Sejm and local self-administration were disbanded. Also all universities were closed, only to be reopened several years later as purely-Russian high schools.' Partly true. The Russian University was opened after 1870. Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'Initially the territory maintained certain degree of autonomy than other gubernias.' So it is opposite to what was stated above. Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'The former Kingdom of Poland continued to use the Polish currency (złoty) and the Administrative Council retained some of its privileges (although it was directly controlled by the Russian governor Field Marshal Ivan Paskevich).' True Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'However, by 1832 the currency and the customs border were abolished, as was the metric system and penal code. ' I am not sure when Polish zloty was reaplced, but custom border was replaced much later and it started industrial development of Kongress Kingdom. I would bet on 185?. I am pretty sure that Polish code was in place untill 193? Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- 1837 - Gubernias introduced. 1841 — złoty abolished. 1847 — Russian penal code introduced (though it was in use since 1831 - after all most of those who were resettled to Siberia were sentenced for conspiracy against the tsar (Russian law), not for high treason (Polish law). Halibutt
'Also the Catholic Church was persecuted and most monasteries were closed and nationalised while the Uniate Church was officially banned and most of its followers were treated as Orthodox.' The latter happenned only in 1839 and 1875. Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
'After the January Uprising in 1863 the Polish language was banned from office and education and the process of incorporation of the Polish gubernias and russification of its administration was completed. ' Not really, since Russia itself was not well integrated. Cautious 23:46, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- I don't get it. Are you arguing that the administration was not russified? Or that the "Polish" gubernias were still somehow different from, let's say, gubernia of Tomsk or Tsaritsyn? What is it that you are actually disputing? Halibutt
During World War I, in 1915 the area was occupied by the Central Powers and in 1917 Russia ceded all Polish lands to Germany and Austria-Hungary, who created a puppet Kingdom of Poland there.