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[edit] General information
- Episode of the popular U.S. television series, Charmed
- Episode Number: 11
- Season: 6
- Production Code: 4301122
- Airdate: January 11, 2004
- Writer: Daniel Cerone
- Director: Jim Contner
- Cast: Alyssa Milano as Phoebe, Rose McGowan as Paige, Holly Marie Combs as Piper.
[edit] Synopsis
After trying on a pair of her Grams' go-go boots, Paige finds herself transported back in time to an era of free love and free magic; and discovers Grams, a peace-loving hippie, who is on a crusade to rid the world of evil through the magical power of love, preparing for a "magical be-in" at the manor. Piper and Phoebe travel back in time to prevent Paige from changing the past and to make sure that Grams lives out her destiny to carry on the Charmed Ones' line. Meanwhile, Leo, Chris and the spirit of Grams fight to vanquish a slime-like blob demon that has surrounded the manor.
[edit] Book of Shadows
[edit] Enemies
- Slime Demon: A demon with no body that feeds off any kind of magic and becomes larger and stronger.
- Warlocks: See Warlock (Charmed)
[edit] Spells
- To Summon A Spirit: place a series of candles in a circle and recite outside the circle: Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the great divide.
- To Turn Weapons into Flowers: They have no right, they have no power. Turn their hate sticks into flowers.
- Attraction Spell: Come to me and be seduced. I have a girl to introduce. Fall for her, you can't resist her. Trust me, mister, she's my sister.
- To Allow Evil to Roam: And so I call upon the Crone. Let evil roam inside this home.
- Love Spell: May peace and love from the moon above, flow through your heart on the wings of a dove.
- To Vanquish Nigel: Snuff this warlock his days are done, but make him good for the ecosystem.
- To Vanquish the Slime Demon: Drawing on the Power of Three, destroy this evil entity.
[edit] Guest stars
- Jennifer Rhodes as Grams
- Kara Zediker as Young Penny Halliwell
- Patrick Cassidy as Allen Halliwell
- Jake Busey as Nigel
- Kam Heskin as Robin
- Jill Small as Celine
- Gabe Vanderwalker as Stoner
- Timothy Elwell as Officer
- Peter Pergelides as Guard
- Michael Storer as Sawmill Worker
[edit] Trivia
- The episode title is a play on words to the 1960s event Woodstock.
- Penelope Halliwell was reportedly born on June 23, 1932 or 1937 and Penny in this episode is more-or-less thirty years old.
- According to the Halliwell Family Tree, the Charmed Ones' grandfather was named Jack, not Allen.
- The young Penny in this episode had red hair, but in the photo seen in the episode How to Make a Quilt Out of Americans we see that Penny had dark colored hair when she was younger.
- Paige claims in this episode that she was born "in the year of the Ox" and therefore is a natural leader. If this were true, Paige would've had to have been born in either 1973 or 1985, neither of which is the case. In previous episodes, it was stated Paige's year of birth was 1977. Therefore, Paige would actually have been born in the year of the Snake and her sister Piper (born August 7, 1973[1]) would be the one born in the Year of the Ox.
- This is the last time we see Phoebe's levitation power on the show.
- In the begining of this episode it says that if Penny's husband did not die in front of her she would still be a "flower child" and the Charmed ones wouldnt be alive because she would not protect as harshly as she did from demons that would attact them while they were children. When Paige changes the past she changes the future changing Penny back into a "flower child". We then see Leo hand Wyatt to Penny to talk with Chris privately. If Paige really changed the future the Charmed ones would be dead and Wyatt and Chris wouldnt be alive. So they should have disappered just like Chris did in "The Courtship of Wyatt's Father" and Kit the cat when she is in her human form in "Cat House".
[edit] International titles
- French: Faites l'amour pas la guerre (Make love not war)
- German: Witchstock
[edit] External links
Preceded by: Chris-Crossed |
Charmed episodes | Followed by: Prince Charmed |
Charmed |
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia |
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows |
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders |
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks |
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters |