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User Box
Location: Rochester, MI
[edit] Interests
- Western Michigan University
- Mid-American Conference
- Detroit Sports
- Oakland University
Dwayne Wadeand theMiami Heat- Softball
- Bowling
- PHP/MySQL/Apache
[edit] Things I want to tackle (in no particular order)
- Reese Trophy and Jacoby Trophy, for best MAC Men's and Women's athletic programs, respectively.
- Finish up the Template:Double_Elimination_Bracket template
- Create a Western Michigan Broncos article
- Expand upon the Western Michigan Broncos football article
- Add more user boxes here
Categories: Wikipedians by alma mater: Western Michigan University | User ada | User ada-3 | Wikipedian programmers | User asm-1 | User bash | User c-3 | User c++ | User c++-2 | User html | User html-3 | User mysql | User mysql-3 | Wikipedians who play golf | Wikipedians by alma mater: Oakland University