Talk:Yad Vashem
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[edit] Name
....does the name has a meaning or it is just a place?
The name of the institute means Hand (Yad) and Name (va-Shem), it is derived from an Old Test. passage —.("ונתתי להם בביתי ובחומותי יד ושם" (ישעיהו, נ"ו, ה." El_C
- Yad means memory in this case.
[edit] Article in need of revision
This article is in need of revision and expansion. It almost appears to be a partial trsnlation from Hebrew Wikipedia's יד ושם, which is also in need of significant rev./exp. I'll see if I can return to this article later tonight. El_C
[edit] English grammar corrected
I attempted to correct the English grammar of this entry. As I am not an expert on the Yad Vashem, I have not changed any of the content. The changes mostly consisted of verb tense and verb/subject agreement.
[edit] Hebrew "translation"
From the article: "In Hebrew, "a memorial and a name" translates as yad va-shem."
Presumably yad vashem was the original Hebrew in Isaiah, not a translation?
Guan 07:14, 15 September 2006 (UTC)