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Prefix can be classified semantically into several groups. First, the prefixes which quantify over their base words’ meaning, such as, ‘half’ (semi-, semi-circle), ‘one’ (uni-, unification), ‘two or twice’ (bi-, bilingual; di-, digraph), ‘three or three times’ (tri-, triangle), ‘many’ (multi-, multilateral; poly- polyclinic), ‘all’ (omni-, omniscience), ‘small’ (micro-, microwave), ‘large’ (macro-, macrobiotic), etc. Second, prefixes which indicate location, for example, circum- ‘around’ (circumscribe), counter- ‘against’ (counteroffer), inter- ‘around’ (intercultural), para- ‘along with’ (paranormal), trans- ‘across’ (transliterate), etc. Third, there are temporal prefixes expressing notions like ‘before’ (pre-, fore-, as in preview, forehand), ‘after’ (post-, postwar), ‘new’ (neo-, neoclassical), etc. The fourth group of prefixes expressing negation (de-, deselect; anti- anti-capitalism; un-, unwind; mis-, misjudgment, etc.). A large number of prefixes express diverse notions, ‘together’ (co-, cooperate), ‘badly, wrongly’ (mis-, misplace), etc.
The majority of prefixes do not change the syntactic category of their base words, only acting as modifiers. And they do not influence the stress pattern of their bases.
Konrad Sprengel, A Study in Word-Formation. Tübingen: 1977
Ingo Plag, Word Formation in English, ch.4. Cambridge: 2003