Yrjö Väisälä
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Asteroids discovered: 128 | |
1391 Carelia | February 16, 1936 |
1398 Donnera | August 26, 1936 |
1405 Sibelius | September 12, 1936 |
1406 Komppa | September 13, 1936 |
1407 Lindelöf | November 21, 1936 |
1421 Esperanto | March 18, 1936 |
1424 Sundmania | January 9, 1937 |
1446 Sillanpää | January 26, 1938 |
1447 Utra | January 26, 1938 |
1448 Lindbladia | February 16, 1938 |
1449 Virtanen | February 20, 1938 |
1450 Raimonda | February 20, 1938 |
1451 Granö | February 22, 1938 |
1453 Fennia | March 8, 1938 |
1454 Kalevala | February 16, 1936 |
1460 Haltia | November 24, 1937 |
1462 Zamenhof | February 6, 1938 |
1463 Nordenmarkia | February 6, 1938 |
1471 Tornio | September 16, 1938 |
1472 Muonio | October 18, 1938 |
1473 Ounas | October 22, 1938 |
1477 Bonsdorffia | February 6, 1938 |
1478 Vihuri | February 6, 1938 |
1479 Inkeri | February 16, 1938 |
1480 Aunus | February 18, 1938 |
1483 Hakoila | February 24, 1938 |
1488 Aura | December 15, 1938 |
1492 Oppolzer | March 23, 1938 |
1494 Savo | September 16, 1938 |
1495 Helsinki | September 21, 1938 |
1496 Turku | September 22, 1938 |
1497 Tampere | September 22, 1938 |
1498 Lahti | September 16, 1938 |
1499 Pori | October 16, 1938 |
1500 Jyväskylä | October 16, 1938 |
1503 Kuopio | December 15, 1938 |
1518 Rovaniemi | October 15, 1938 |
1519 Kajaani | October 15, 1938 |
1520 Imatra | October 22, 1938 |
1521 Seinäjoki | October 22, 1938 |
1523 Pieksämäki | January 18, 1939 |
1524 Joensuu | September 18, 1939 |
1525 Savonlinna | September 18, 1939 |
1526 Mikkeli | October 7, 1939 |
1527 Malmquista | October 18, 1939 |
1529 Oterma | January 26, 1938 |
1530 Rantaseppä | September 16, 1938 |
1532 Inari | September 16, 1938 |
1533 Saimaa | January 19, 1939 |
1534 Näsi | January 20, 1939 |
1535 Päijänne | September 9, 1939 |
1536 Pielinen | September 18, 1939 |
1541 Estonia | February 12, 1939 |
1542 Schalén | August 26, 1941 |
1548 Palomaa | March 26, 1935 |
1549 Mikko | April 2, 1937 |
1551 Argelander | February 24, 1938 |
1552 Bessel | February 24, 1938 |
1567 Alikoski | April 22, 1941 |
1631 Kopff | October 11, 1936 |
1646 Rosseland | January 19, 1939 |
1656 Suomi | March 11, 1942 |
1659 Punkaharju | December 28, 1940 |
1677 Tycho Brahe | September 6, 1940 |
1678 Hveen | December 28, 1940 |
1696 Nurmela | March 18, 1939 |
1699 Honkasalo | August 26, 1941 |
1723 Klemola | March 18, 1936 |
1740 Paavo Nurmi | October 18, 1939 |
1757 Porvoo | March 17, 1939 |
1883 Rimito | December 4, 1942 |
1928 Summa | September 21, 1938 |
1929 Kollaa | January 20, 1939 |
1947 Iso-Heikkilä | March 4, 1935 |
2020 Ukko | March 18, 1936 |
2067 Aksnes | February 23, 1936 |
2091 Sampo | April 26, 1941 |
2096 Väinö | October 18, 1939 |
2194 Arpola | April 3, 1940 |
2204 Lyyli | March 3, 1943 |
2243 Lönnrot | September 25, 1941 |
2258 Viipuri | October 7, 1939 |
2292 Seili | September 7, 1942 |
2299 Hanko | September 25, 1941 |
2333 Porthan | March 3, 1943 |
2379 Heiskanen | September 21, 1941 |
2397 Lappajärvi | February 22, 1938 |
2454 Olaus Magnus | September 21, 1941 |
2464 Nordenskiöld | January 19, 1939 |
2479 Sodankylä | February 6, 1942 |
2486 Metsähovi | March 22, 1939 |
2502 Nummela | March 3, 1943 |
2512 Tavastia | April 3, 1940 |
2535 Hämeenlinna | February 17, 1939 |
2638 Gadolin | September 19, 1939 |
2639 Planman | April 9, 1940 |
2678 Aavasaksa | February 24, 1938 |
2679 Kittisvaara | October 7, 1939 |
2690 Ristiina | February 24, 1938 |
2715 Mielikki | October 22, 1938 |
2716 Tuulikki | October 7, 1939 |
2733 Hamina | February 22, 1938 |
2737 Kotka | February 22, 1938 |
2750 Loviisa | December 30, 1940 |
2802 Weisell | January 19, 1939 |
2820 Iisalmi | September 8, 1942 |
2826 Ahti | October 18, 1939 |
2885 Palva | October 7, 1939 |
2898 Neuvo | February 20, 1938 |
2962 Otto | December 28, 1940 |
2972 Niilo | October 7, 1939 |
3037 Alku | January 17, 1944 |
3099 Hergenrother | April 3, 1940 |
3166 Klondike | March 30, 1940 |
3212 Agricola | February 19, 1938 |
3223 Forsius | September 7, 1942 |
3272 Tillandz | February 24, 1938 |
3281 Maupertuis | February 24, 1938 |
3522 Becker | September 21, 1941 |
3606 Pohjola | September 19, 1939 |
3897 Louhi | September 8, 1942 |
4181 Kivi | February 24, 1938 |
4266 Waltari | December 28, 1940 |
4512 Sinuhe | January 20, 1939 |
5073 Junttura | March 3, 1943 |
(5153) 1940 GO | April 9, 1940 |
(6073) 1939 UB | October 18, 1939 |
6572 Carson | September 22, 1938 |
Yrjö Väisälä ([ˈyrjø ˈʋæisælæ] ) (September 6, 1891 - July 21, 1971) was a Finnish astronomer and physicist.
[A note on dates: the birth date is a Gregorian calendar date, because although Finland was part of Russia at the time and Russia used the Julian calendar until 1918, the Gregorian calendar continued in official use in Finland because Finland had been part of Sweden when Sweden had converted to the Gregorian calendar in 1753.]
He had brothers Kalle Väisälä (mathematician) and Vilho Väisälä (meteorologist), both successful in their own chosen fields of science.
He was also avid fan of Esperanto, and sailing.
His main contributions were in the field of optics, but he was also very active in geodetics, astronomy and optical metrology. He had even an affectionate nick-name of Wizard of Tuorla (Observatory / Optics laboratory), and there is a book of same (in Finnish) title describing his works.
[edit] Optician
He developed several methods for measuring the quality of optical elements, as well as a lot of practical methods of manufacturing said elements.
This allowed the construction of some of the earliest high-quality Schmidt cameras, in particular a "field-flattened" version known as Schmidt-Väisälä camera.
Contemporary to Bernhard Schmidt's design, but unpublished was also Prof. Yrjö Väisälä's identical design which he had mentioned in lecture notes in 1924 with a footnote: "problematic spherical focal surface".
Once he saw Schmidt's publication, he promptly went ahead and "solved" the field flattening problem by placing a doubly-convex lens slightly in front of the film holder (back in the 1930s, astronomical films were glass plates.) The resulting system is known as the Schmidt-Väisälä camera or sometimes as the Väisälä camera. (This solution is not perfect, as images of different colour end up at slightly different places.)
Learning that he lost the inventor status also motivated Prof. Väisälä to publish also "less than perfect" designs...
Prof. Väisälä made a small test unit of 7 mirrors in a mosaic on stiff background steel frame, however it proved to be impossible to stabilize as "just adjust and forget" structure, and next time anybody tried it, was with active controls on Multiple Mirror Telescope.
[edit] Geodesy
In the 1920s and 1930s Finland was doing its first precission triangulation chain measurements, and to create long-distance vertices Prof. Väisälä proposed usage of flash-lights on 5-10 km altitude balloons, or on some big fireworks rockets.
The idea was to measure the exact position of the flash against background stars, and by precisely knowing one camera location, to derive an accurate location for another camera. This required better wide-field cameras than were available, and was discarded.
Later, Prof. Väisälä developed a method to multiply an optical length reference to precisely determine lengths of baselines used in triangulation chains. Several such baselines were created in Finland for second high-precission triangulation campaign in 1950s and 1960s.
Later GPS made these methods obsolete.
Prof. Väisälä developed also excellent tools to measure earth rotational axis position by building so called zenith telescopes, and in the 1960s Tuorla Observatory was in the top rank of North Pole position tracking measurements.
In the 1980s radioastronomy was able to replace earth rotation tracking by referring things against "non-moving background" of quasars.
For these Zenith Telescopes Prof. Väisälä made also one of the first experiments at doing liquid mirrors of mercury. (Such needs extremely smooth rotation speeds which have been able to achieve in the late 1990s.)
[edit] Astronomer
The big Schmidt-Väisälä telescope he built was used at the University of Turku for searches of asteroids and comets. His research group discovered 7 comets and 807 asteroids.
For this rather massive photographic survey work, Prof. Väisälä developed also a protocol of taking two exposures on same plate some 2-3 hours apart and offsetting those images slightly. Any dot-pairs that differed from background were moving, and deserved follow-up photos. This method halved the film consumption compared to method of "blink comparing", where plates get single exposures, and are compared by rapidly showing first and second exposures to human operator. (Blink-comparing was used to find e.g. Pluto.)
Notably, Yrjö Väisälä discovered the periodic comets 40P/Väisälä and 139P/Väisälä-Oterma (the latter was co-discovered with Liisi Oterma and at first classified as asteroid 1939 TN).
The University of Turku Astronomy department is known as VISPA: Väisälä Institute for Space Physics and Astronomy (http://www.astro.utu.fi/) in honour of its founder.
A crater on the Moon is named after him, and so is the asteroid 1573 Väisälä.