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Zbraslav (IPA: [ˈzbraslaf]) is a municipal district and cadastral area of Prague. The southernmost district of Prague, it lies on the Vltava River in the national administrative district (správní obvod) of Prague 16.
The former independent municipality of Zbraslav is now one of two cadastral areas in the Prague-Zbraslav Municipal District (Městská část Praha-Zbraslav). The other is Lahovice.
Zbraslav was founded in 1118. In 13th century, the Bohemian king Wenceslas II founded here a cloister of monks of the Cistercian Order. The Zbraslav cloister was called Aula regia and was ordered to be the burial place of Bohemian kings.
In 1935, V. F. Bulgakov founded an important Russian museum here with collections dedicated to Russian emigrants, but the museum was closed and confiscated by the Communists before 1948.
Zbraslav was merged into Prague in 1974. Today, it is a residential community and the home of the Chinese and Japanese collections of the Czech National Gallery.
Zbraslav was also the residence of songwriter Jaromír Vejvoda (1902-1988), best known internationally for "The Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out the Barrel)." Vejvoda's home is now a restaurant called Škoda Lásky with paraphernalia relating to the songwriter.
Area: 9.85 km²
Population: 7,926
[edit] Other important personalities
- Petr Žitavský (1270 – 1339), abbot of the Zbraslav cloister, politician and author of the Zbraslav Chronica, history of Bohemia in 13th and early 14th century.
- Vladislav Vančura, famous novelist.
[edit] External links
- Unofficial Zbraslav page (in Czech)
- Official page of the Prague-Zbraslav Municipal District
- Czech radio story on Jaromír Vejvoda (in Czech)
- Czech municipal census figures (in Czech)
- Zbraslav and history (in Czech)
Districts of Prague |
Municipal/administrative districts |
Prague 1 | Prague 2 | Prague 3 | Prague 4 | Prague 5 | Prague 6 | Prague 7 | Prague 8 | Prague 9 | Prague 10 | Prague 11 | Prague 12 | Prague 13 | Prague 14 | Prague 15 | Prague 16 (formerly Radotín) | Prague 17 (formerly Řepy) | Prague 18 (formerly Letňany) | Prague 19 (formerly Kbely) | Prague 20 (formerly Horní Počernice) | Prague 21 (formerly Újezd nad Lesy) | Prague 22 (formerly Uhříněves) |
Other municipal districts |
Běchovice | Benice | Březiněves | Čakovice | Ďablice | Dolní Chabry | Dolní Měcholupy | Dolní Počernice | Dubeč | Kbely | Klánovice | Koloděje | Kolovraty | Královice | Křeslice | Kunratice | Libuš | Lipence | Lochkov | Lysolaje | Nebušice | Nedvězí | Petrovice | Přední Kopanina | Řeporyje | Satalice | Slivenec | Suchdol | Šeberov | Štěrboholy | Troja | Újezd u Průhonic | Velká Chuchle | Vinoř | Zbraslav | Zličín |
Cadastral areas |
Běchovice | Benice | Bohnice | Braník | Břevnov | Březiněves | Bubeneč | Čakovice | Černý Most | Chodov | Cholupice | Čimice | Ďáblice | Dejvice | Dolní Chabry | Dolní Měcholupy | Dolní Počernice | Dubeč | Háje | Hájek | Hloubětín | Hlubočepy | Hodkovičky | Holešovice | Holyně | Horní Měcholupy | Horní Počernice | Hostavice | Hostivař | Hradčany | Hrdlořezy | Jinonice | Josefov (Jewish Quarter) | Kamýk | Karlín | Kbely | Klánovice | Kobylisy | Koloděje | Kolovraty | Komořany | Košíře | Královice | Krč | Křeslice | Kunratice | Kyje | Lahovice | Letňany | Lhotka | Libeň | Liboc | Libuš | Lipany | Lipence | Lochkov | Lysolaje | Malá Chuchle | Malá Strana (Lesser Town) | Malešice | Michle | Miškovice | Modřany | Motol | Nebušice | Nedvězí | Nové Město (New Town) | Nusle | Petrovice | Písnice | Pitkovice | Podolí | Přední Kopanina | Prosek | Radlice | Radotín | Řeporyje | Řepy | Ruzyně | Satalice | Sedlec | Slivenec | Smíchov | Sobín | Staré Město (Old Town) | Štěrboholy | Stodůlky | Strašnice | Střešovice | Střížkov | Suchdol | Točná | Třebonice | Třeboradice | Troja | Uhříněves | Újezd nad Lesy | Újezd u Průhonic | Veleslavín | Velká Chuchle | Vinohrady | Vinoř | Vokovice | Vršovice | Vyšehrad | Vysočany | Záběhlice | Zadní Kopanina | Zbraslav | Žižkov | Zličín |