Talk:Zero Mostel
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The IMDb article for Zero Mostel lists that he taught for the WPA's Federal Arts Project, not the Civilian Conservation Corps, which I'm inclined to believe. Do we have a source for the CCC "fact" noted in this article?
[edit] A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to The Forum
The claim Mostel did not want to do the part of Pseudolus at first is questionable. It is a story his wife told, and may be self-serving. According to those who wrote the show, he was thrilled when he got the part, a grabbed it when it was offered. This makes sense, since it was a chance to make big money for the first time in years. He was not regularly offered major roles with large salaries until after he played this part.
- Of course he was thrilled about the money, especially coming out of his blacklist years, but his wife’s account is consistent with Mostel’s behavior during that time – having done plays like Ulysses In Nighttown and being compared to Olivier, and having been offered roles in classic theatrical productions, he felt that light comedy was beneath him and ranted about it to his friends and family. The same happened with The Produces. Of course, it is possible that his protestation was no more than lip-tax to ease his conscience and appease his friends, who saw him as a wasted talent; it’s hard to say. During the 70’s things have changed, and he did begin to take any role that carried with it a good pay. This almost ruined his career.
Ron g 16:41, 11 September 2006 (UTC)