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[edit] Summary
Español: Vista aérea del Aeroparque
- Place: Buenos Aires - Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP / SABE)
- Comments: Overview of a part of Buenos Aires Aeroparque airport (barrio: Palermo). You can see on the left side of the apt the 757 from the Argentinian president. Took from "Plunita" CX-PUC in flight from Punta del Este. Dedicated to my good friends of the Control Tower: Rodolfo, Claudio, Alejandro, RB.
- Date: August 25, 2004
- Photographer: Darío Crusafón
For other uses not included in this license, or to get a better quality copy you may contact the author: Darío Crusafón'
Para otros usos no contemplados en esta licencia, o para obtener una copia de mejor calidad, puede contactar al autor: Darío Crusafón
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