Filmografía de Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Este es el listado de las peliculas en las que intervino el actor Fatty Arbuckle:
Tabla de contenidos |
[editar] Primeros años
- Ben's Kid (1909)
- Mrs. Jones' Birthday (1909)
- Making It Pleasant for Him (1909)
- The Sanitarium (1910)
- A Voice from the Deep (1912)
[editar] 1913
- Help! Help! Hydrophobia!
- Safe in Jail
- Murphy's I.O.U.
- Alas! Poor Yorick!
- The Foreman of the Jury
- The Gangsters
- Passions, He Had Three
- The Waiters' Picnic
- Peeping Pete
- A Bandit
- For the Love of Mabel
- The Telltale Light
- A Noise from the Deep
- Love and Courage
- Professor Bean's Removal
- Almost a Rescue
- The Riot
- Mabel's New Hero
- Mabel's Dramatic Career
- The Gypsy Queen
- The Faithful Taxicab
- When Dreams Come True
- Mother's Boy
- Fatty's Day Off
- Two Old Tars
- A Quiet Little Wedding
- The Speed Kings
- Fatty at San Diego
- Wine
- Fatty Joins the Force
- The Woman Haters
- A Ride for a Bride
- Fatty's Flirtation
- His Sister's Kids
- Some Nerve
- He Would a Hunting Go
[editar] 1914
- A Misplaced Foot
- Caught in a Flue
- The Under-Sheriff
- A Flirt's Mistake
- In the Clutches of the Gang
- Rebecca's Wedding Day
- A Robust Romeo
- Twixt Love and Fire
- A Film Johnnie
- Tango Tangles
- His Favorite Pastime
- A Rural Demon
- Barnyard Flirtations
- Chicken Chaser
- A Bath House Beauty
- Where Hazel Met the Villain
- A Suspended Ordeal
- The Water Dog
- The Alarm
- Our Country Cousin
- The Knockout
- Fatty and the Heiress
- Fatty's Finish
- Love and Bullets
- A Rowboat Romance
- The Sky Pirate
- Those Happy Days
- That Minstrel Man
- Those Country Kids
- Fatty's Gift
- The Masquerader
- His New Profession
- The Baggage Smasher
- A Brand New Hero
- The Rounders
- Lover's Luck
- Fatty's Debut
- Killing Horace
- Fatty Again
- Their Ups and Downs
- Zip, the Dodger
- Lovers' Post Office
- An Incompetent Hero
- Fatty's Jonah Day
- Fatty's Wine Party
- The Sea Nymphs
- Among the Mourners
- Leading Lizzie Astray
- Shotguns That Kick
- Fatty's Magic Pants
- Fatty and Minnie He-Haw
[editar] 1915
- Mabel and Fatty's Married Life
- Rum and Wall Paper
- Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day
- Mabel, Fatty and the Law
- Mabel and Fatty's Simple Life
- Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition
- Fatty's New Role
- Hogan's Romance Upset
- Fatty's Reckless Fling
- Fatty's Chance Acquaintance
- Fatty's Faithful Fido
- That Little Band of Gold
- Wished on Mabel
- When Love Took Wings
- Mabel's Wilful Way
- Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers
- Fatty's Plucky Pup
- The Little Teacher
- Fatty's Tintype Tangle
- Fickle Fatty's Fall
- A Village Scandal
- Fatty and the Broadway Stars
[editar] 1916
- His Wife's Mistakes
- Fatty and Mabel Adrift
- He Did and He Didn't
- Bright Lights
- The Other Man
- The Waiters' Ball
- A Creampuff Romance
[editar] 1917
- The Butcher Boy
- A Reckless Romeo
- His Wedding Night
- The Late Lamented
- Oh Doctor!
- Coney Island
- A Country Hero
- The Rough House
[editar] 1918
- A Scrap of Paper
- Out West
- The Bell Boy
- Moonshine
- Good Night, Nurse!
- The Cook
- The Sheriff
[editar] 1919
- Camping Out
- The Pullman Porter
- Love
- The Bank Clerk
- A Desert Hero
- Back Stage
- The Hayseed
- The Garage
[editar] 1920
- The Round-Up
- Life of the Party
[editar] 1921
- Leap Year
- The Fast Freight
- Brewster's Millions
- The Dollar-a-Year Man
- Traveling Salesman
- Gasoline Gus
- Crazy to Marry
[editar] Últimos años
- A Sainted Devil (1924)
- Go West (1925)
- Listen Lena (1927)
- The Back Page (1931)
- Hey, Pop! (1932)
- In the Dough (1932)
- Buzzin' Around (1933)
- How've You Bean? (1933)
- Close Relations (1933)
- Tomalio (1933)
[editar] Véase también
[editar] Referencias
- Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle en Internet Movie Database (en inglés)