My Little Armalite
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
"My Little Armalite" es una canción republicana irlandesa que elogia el rifle Armalite que era usado por los paramilitares republicanos contra las fuerzas de seguridad británicas en Irlanda del Norte.
La canción es de los años 1970, cuando el IRA Provisional importaba armamento moderno, incluido rifles Armalite de los EEUU. Armalite puede ser entendido como una versión del AR-15 (M-16), rifle fabricado específicamente por la compañía Armalite o como Armalite AR-18, una versión mejorada de la original AR-15. Ambas armas han sido usadas por el IRA en sus campañas armadas. (Ver también Armas importadas por el IRA Provisional)
La canción coloca al narrador en primer lugar en una posición de desventaja, es golpeado e insultado por un soldado británico. Sin embargo, cuando tiene su rifle, es capaz de luchar contra el ejécito británico y la Real Policía Armada del Ulster, incluso cuando están equipados con sarracenos y saladinos o carros blindados. Cada estrofa festeja las acciones del Ira Provisional ("Provo") y cita diferentes fortalezas republicanas. Primero el area Bogside de Derry, luego Falls Road y Poleglass en Belfast así como también Crossmaglen en el Sur de la región de Armagh.
[editar] Canción
(en inglés)
And it's down along the Falls Road that's were I long to be
Bajando Falls Road que estaba anhelando estar
Lying in the dark with the Provo company
en la oscuridad el IRA Provisional
A comrade on me left ai another one on me right
Un compañero a mi derecha y otro a mi izquierda
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
Y un cargador para mi pequeña Armalite.
I was stopped by a soldier he said "you are a swine"
He hit me with his rifle and he kicked me in the groin
I begged and I pleaded oh my manners were polite
but all the time I'm thinking of me little Armalite!
And it's down in the Bogside that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with the Provo company
A comrade on me left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
Well this brave RUC man came marching up our street
600 British soldiers he had lined up at his feet,
Come out ya cowardly Fenians come on out and fight
he cried I'm only joking, when he heard the Armalite!
And its down in Bellaghy that's where i long to be
lying in the dark with the provo company
a comrade on me left and another one on me right
and a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
Well the army came to visit me 'twas in the early hours
With saracens and saladins and ferret armoured cars,
They thought they had me cornered but I gave them all a fright
With the armourpiercing bullets of me little Armalite!
And it's down in Kilwilkie that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with the Provo company
A comrade on me left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
Well when premier came to Belfast say's he the battles won
The generals they have told him we've got them on the run,
But corporals and privates while on patrol at night
"send home for re-enforcement's it's the bloody Armalite!"
And it's down along the Falls Road that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with the Provo company
A comrade on me left ai another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
I was stopped by a soldier he said "you are a swine"
He hit me with his rifle and he kicked me in the groin
I begged and I pleaded oh my manners were polite
but all the time I'm thinking of me little Armalite!