
IndiaDamanDiu.png (350×426 px, 76 KiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/png)
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Daman and Diu are two enclaves off the Gujarat coast which form the Union Territory of Daman and Diu.
--- Map made by me, Nichalp ---
Note: The Indian state of w:Jammu and Kashmir is claimed by w:India, w:Pakistan and the w:People's Republic of China. This map depicts the boundaries of the state as it was in 1947. Areas administered by India is coloured as per the rest of the states, and the area administered by Pakistan and China are coloured in a neutral colour. See the map of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Indian state of w:Arunachal Pradesh is claimed by China as a part of w:South Tibet. The claimed region is depicted in a pale shade of pink. See the map of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Indian territorial waters extend to a distance of twelve nautical miles.
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