Second Sighting
Second Sighting on Frehley's Comet -yhtyeen julkaisema albumi vuodelta 1988.
[muokkaa] Kappalelista
- "Insane" (Ace Frehley, Gene Moore)
- "Time Ain't Runnin' Out" (Tod Howarth)
- "Dancin' With Danger" (Ace Frehley, Dana Strum, Poffer, Streetheart)
- "It's Over Now" (Tod Howarth)
- "Loser in a Fight" (Tod Howarth, John Regan)
- "Juvenile Delinquent" (Ace Frehley)
- "Fallen Angel" (Tod Howarth)
- "Separate" (Ace Frehley, John Regan)
- "New Kind of Lover" (Tod Howarth)
- "The Acorn Is Spinning" (Ace Frehley, John Regan)