Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/User manual →
Aide:AutoWikiBrowser ---- (+ d'infos)
Ceci est le manuel d'utilisateur du programme AutoWikiBrowser.
Cette documentation n'est pas complète, vous pouvez aider à son amélioration.
De plus, au fil des mise à jour, il se peut que cette documentation devienne obsolète ou inclue des fonctionnalités non implémentées encore, n'hésitez pas à la mettre à jour.
Sommaire |
[modifier] Procedure basique
La procédure basique d'utilisation d'AutoWikiBrowser est la suivante :
- S'identifier sous AWB.
- Créer la liste des pages à modifier
- Spécifier les options (les actions à effectuer à chaque page)
- Lancer le traitement (AWB charge chaque page, y effectue les modification spécifiées et vous montre les modifications)
[modifier] Manuel d'utilisateur d'AutoWikiBrowser
[modifier] Identification
- AWB utilise le moteur d'Internet Explorer et utilise ses cookies.Si vous utilisez un autre compte, vous devrez vous déconnecter puis vous re-identifier avec l'autre compte.Si vous voulez lancer AWB tout en continuer d'éditer manuellement sur un autre compte, il vous faut utiliser un autre navigateur comme Firefox ou Opera.
[modifier] "Make list"
- Make from:
- Note: Vous pouvez créer une liste depuis plusieurs pages en les séparant par le caractère | Par exemple pour sélectionner les articles des catégories Chat, Chien et Poisson, vous pouvez écrire "Chat|Chien|Poisson"
- Category — Récupère la liste des sous-catégories et des articles de la catégorie spécifiée.
- What links here — Récupère la liste depuis la page spéciale "Pages liées".
- Option: Inclusion only - same as What links here, but only gets pages that link by inclusion (i.e., {{PAGENAME}})
- What transcludes here - Récupère la liste des pages qui incluent la page cherché (utilisé en général pour les modèles qui sont inclus et non pas liés).
- Links on page — Récupère tous les liens internes de la page spécifiée.
- Text file — Récupère la liste des articles sur un fichiers texte sous forme wikifié ([[Article]]).
- Google search — Récupère la liste articles trouvés par une recherche google sur wikipedia.
- User contribs — Récupère tous les articles édités par l'utilisateur spécifié.
- Special page — Récupère la liste des pages retournées par l'utilisation de la page spéciale spécifiée, qui peut être utilisé avec les paramètres limite et offset (ex :"Lonelypages&limit=500&offset=500").
- Image file links — Récupère la liste d'articles qui incluent l'image spécifié.
- Database dump — Ouvre le scanneur de dump qui permet de faire des recherches rapides sur l'ensemble de la base donnée d'articles (~1.8 GO qui doivent être téléchargés à part). Voir Wikipedia:Database download
- My Watchlist — Importe votre liste de suivi (si vous êtes identifié sur votre propre compte sur Internet Explorer).
- Wiki search — Récupère la liste des articles donné par une recherche utilisant le moteur de recherche interne à Wikipédia. Généralement moins performant que Google, mais plus récent et permet des recherches spéciales par la syntaxe Wiki.
- Redirects - Récupère la liste des pages qui redirigent vers la page spécifiée
- Make list — Créé la liste à partir des options spécifiées
- Stop - Arrête la création de la liste
- Remove selected — Retire les éléments sélectionnés de la liste.
- Save List — Enregistre la liste courante sous forme de fichier texte, avec ou sans syntaxe wiki.
- Remove duplicates - Retire les pages en double de la liste.
- Clear — Efface toute la liste.
- Filter — Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre qui vous permet de filtrer la liste actuelle, par le namespace ou des mots spécifiés (avec ou sans regex).
- Add — Ajoute la page à la liste.
[modifier] "Set options"
- Apply general fixes
- Corrige des erreurs communes dans les sections "Voir aussi" et "Liens externes" ainsi que les sauts de lignes inutiles.
- Trie les liens interwiki par ordre alphabétique (désactivable dans le menu) et les met à la fin de la page après les modèles..
- Encode les liens internes en Unicode.
- Supprime les liens interwiki et les catégories en double.
- Met les catégories à la fin de l'article, entre les modèles et les liens interwiki.
- Adds bullet points to external links after the ==External links==.
- Remplace la mise en forme italique et gras html en balises wiki.
- Répare les bad links.
- Simplifie les liens internes comme [[Chien|Chien]] en [[Chien]].
- Simplifie les liens comme [[Chien|Chiens]] en [[Chien]]s.
- Met en gras le titre dans l'introduction, s'il n'y a pas d'autre chose déjà en gras.
- Supprimes les auto-références.
- Auto tag — Rajoute les modèles {{Wikify}}, {{Uncategorised}} et {{stub}} dans les cas appropriés. Ajoute le paramètre date à by-date sorted templates.
- Unicodify whole Article — Remplace les balises html comme ° avec son caractère unicode équivalent, °.
- Skip Articles - Ignore l'article si
- Unicodification - pas de mise en forme unicode
- Tag changed - pas de tag changé
- Skip if no header error fixed - pas d'erreur d'introduction corrigée
- Titled boldened - pas de mise en gras du titre dans l'introduction
- External link bulleted
- Bad link fixed
- Find and replace — Active les recherches et remplacements spécifiés.Enables multiple find and replacement. Can specify case sensitivity and Perl-style regular expression patterns. The keyword %%title%% represents the article title. For information on setting options such as multi or single line see here. See here for substitution syntax.
- Advanced find and replace (Replace special) — See MWB Replace Special.
- Template substitution (subst:) — substitutes templates you chose. This is a more convenient and reliable way than simply entering regexes in Find and replace — AWB will automatically generate regexes.
- Enable RegexTypoFix — Turns on RegExTypoFix — which automatically fixes >1000 common typos. Please read and understand the RegExTypoFix before using. The typos can be modified on Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Typos.
- Skip article when no typo fixed — Will skip articles that have no typo to be fixed
- Skip Articles
- Case Sensitive
- Are Regexes (Regular expressions)
- Skip if contains/doesn't contain — Skips articles that do or do not contain the given string/regex.
- Skip articles with no changes — Skips article that it doesn't automatically change (i.e. make a "general fix", find and replace etc.).
- Skip non-existing pages — Causes AWB to automatically skip pages that don't exist.
[modifier] "More..."
- Append/Prepend message — Appends/Prepend the given text to the bottom of the page (talk pages only).
- Images - Replace/Remove/Comment out Images
- Categories — Add/Remove/Replace categories (replace only available when making a list from a category), enter the new category name minus the Category: prefix. When entering a category for "Add new category" use the keyword %%key%% to insert the reversed human name key, e.g. entering "Economists|%%key%%" might insert "[[Category:Economists|Smith, Adam]]".
[modifier] "Disambiguation"
This feature is intended for quick user-supervised fixing of links to disambiguation pages.
- Enable Disambiguation
- Link to Disambiguate — title of disambiguation page to be delinked. You can use several names delimited by pipe characters, e.g. Matrix|Matricies|Matrices.
- Load Links — loads all links to the aforementioned page(s) into "Variants" edit box (see below).
- Variants — all possible variants to disambiguate to (the list can be edited to add or remove links). Don't forget to decapitalize links when needed (e.g. matrix (mathematics) should be lowercase, but not Matrix (TV series)).
- Skip article when no disambiguation made — ignores the article when it doesn't require disambiguation or user pressed "Cancel" in disambiguation dialog.
[modifier] Disambiguation dialog
Once the disambiguation feature has been enabled using the above process and an article list loaded using "What links here" in the "Make list" section, the dialog box shown in the image will appear when an article has been loaded and a link to disambiguate found. In the image shown, two links in the page have been found to disambiguate. For each link:
- Left box — contains the link in bold and some of the surrounding text.
- Selection box — select the change wanting to be made from the following options:
- [no change] — default.
- [unlink] — remove the link.
- (tl) — adds
? next to the link. Should be used when the correct disambiguation cannot be determined.
- Variants — as specified in the "Variants" box in the "Disambiguation" tab.
- Right box — editable box that displays what has been changed. Default change creates (or alters) a piped link. In the image,
is changed to[[matrix (mathematics)|matrices]]
. - Unpipe — unpipes the link. This would change
[[matrix (mathematics)|matrices]]
to[[matrix (mathematics)]]
. - Reset — clears the changes made for that link.
- Undo — reverts all manual changes to the right box, including unpiping. This is equivalent to reselecting the current item in the selection box.
The following options are along the bottom of the box:
- Open in browser - opens the article in your default web browser
- Reset all — clears all the changes made.
- Undo all — reverts all manual changes to the right box for each link, including unpiping. This is equivalent to reselecting the current item in the selection box for each link.
- Abort — stops the editing process (like the 'Stop' button).
- Cancel — closes the disambiguation dialog, making no changes, and loads the diff (to show other changes made e.g. general fixes).
- Done — makes the changes in the dialog and loads the diff. Other changes can then be made before saving the page.
[modifier] "Bots"
[modifier] AutoSave
- Auto-mode — Will make saves automatically at given interval, only for accounts registered in the Bots section of the checkpage.
- Delay — The delay in seconds before saving the page after loading, (normally loading takes about an extra 8 seconds or 3 seconds with quick save enabled).
- Quick save — When using auto-mode, avoids loading diff to save time/bandwidth/server load.
- Suppress "using AWB" — Stops addition of "using AWB" to the edit summary, as registered bots do not need this.
[modifier] "Nudging"
- Resave ("nudge") after x minutes if stuck - Allows you to re-attempting save after a set number of minutes if AWB sticks
- Reset Counter - Reset AWB Nudge Counter
- Skip article if first nudge doesn't help - If the first nudge hasn't allowed AWB to continue/save, AWB will skip the article
[modifier] "Start"
- Summary — The edit summary, either select one from the drop down, or enter your own text.
- Lock Summary - Allows the user to select to 'lock' the edit summary, so that it cannot be accidently changed
- Article statistics — Various statistics, such as number of characters and images.
- Alerts — Displays alerts when, for example, the article is uncategorized, is long but tagged as a stub, etc.
- Start the process — Starts the process when you have a list of articles. (Shortcut key - control + S)
- False — Adds article to a list of false positives, in a file called "False positives.txt"
- Stop — Stops the editing process. (Shortcut key - escape)
- Preview — Changes the view to preview (and updates any extra changes you made).
- Show changes — Changes the view to the diff (and updates any extra changes you made).
- Move - Allows you to move a page to another location. Upon pressing this button, a windows appears asking for the new location, and a summary of the change, which is then confirmed by pressing move again.
- Delete - Allows you to delete a page. Upon pressing this button, a windows appears asking for a summary of the change, which is then confirmed by pressing delete again.
- Ignore — Moves on to the next page without saving anything. (Shortcut key - control + D)
- Save — Saves the page, including any extra changes you made, then moves on to next article. (Shortcut key - control + S)
[modifier] Logging (View logs)
Common to both Successfully saved and Skipped:
- Save Log - Saves a copy of the relevant list view to a specified file
- Clear - Removes all the items from the relevant list view
Skipped only
- Add to article list - Adds the selected article(s) to the list maker
[modifier] Main Menus
[modifier] File
- New setting file
- Open settings — Loads settings from specified path.
- Reset settings — Sets AWB settings back to the first run/program defaults.
- Save settings — Saves the current settings to the file they were loaded from.
- Save settings as... — Saves the current settings to a specified file.
- Save as default — Saves the settings to the default.xml, these will then be loaded automatically when AWB is opened.
- Log In — Takes you to the login page for the Wiki.
- Log Out — Forces logout of the current user.
- Exit — Quits the program.
[modifier] List
- Filter out non main space — Removes all non-main space articles.
- Filter — Allows you to select which pages in the list box you wish to keep. E.g. Article, User, Talk...
- Convert to talk pages — Changes list of article/template/userpage to their relevant Talk pages.
- Convert from talk pages — Changes list of talk pages into their relevant article/template/userpage.
- Sort alphabetically — Sorts list alphabetically.
- Save list to text file — Saves list to text file (which can be used later on to create new list, as described above).
- Launch Database Scanner — Launches the Database Scanner, see here.
- Launch List comparer — Allows you to make or open 2 lists, and AWB will tell you the entries that appear in both lists, the entries only in list 1 and the entries only in list 2.
[modifier] General
- User project and preferences
- Project
- Project - Allows you to choose which wikimedia project (or even custom!) you would like to work on.
- Language - Allows you to select which language of Wiki you would like to work on.
- Other
- Enhance Diff View
- Scroll Down on Preview
- Set text box font
- Diff Font Size
- Low Thread Priority - Sets CPU Thread priority to low, this means it will only use CPU if other processes dont need it.
- Minimize to system tray - When AWB is minimized, having this option selected will close AWB into the notification area of Windows.
- Allow AWB to override watchlist settings -
- Flash - The AWB tray icon will flash when AWB is out of focus, and userinput is needed.
- Bleep - AWB will cause a beep when AWB is out of focus, and userinput is needed.
- Save Article List on saving settings - Allows the user to choose whether they want to save the current article list in with the settings.
- Timeout Limit (seconds) - The timeout limit of the web browser. Min 30 seconds, max 120 seconds
- Auto Save Edit Box? - Enables the option to periodically save the contents of the edit box to a text file
- Auto Save Edit Box every x (seconds) - Period between saves of the edit box
- To file: - Which file to save the edit box contents to. Currently this is in the AWB Directory. Default is 'Edit Box.txt'
- Enable the Toolbar - Displays a simple toolbar below the menu strip, allows easily usage of basic start features. Includes:
- Show or hide the panel - Shows and hides the main part of the AWB window at the bottom (Hidden Shortcut key of Ctrl+H - This works when the toolbar is enabled or disabled).
- Expand the Edit Area - Hides the Make list box and the middle options tabsheet, to give an enlarged edit area along the bottom of the AWB window.
- Start - Starts the Process, like Start.
- Stop - Stops the Process, like Stop.
- Save - Saves any page changes.
- Ignore - Ignores any page changes, and moves onto next page.
- Show preview - Shows in the browser window what the updated page would look like - like manual edit 'show preview' button.
- Show changes - Shows the changes between the current revision, and your intended changes.
- Articles - Number of Articles in the List Box.
- Bypass redirects — Instead of editing pages that redirect to another page, AWB edits the page to which it redirects.
- Do not automatically apply changes — No changes are made, instead you can use the "re-parse" option selectively.
- On Load: - AWB will:
- Show changes - Shows the changes between the current revision, and your intended changes.
- Show preview - Shows in the browser window what the updated page would look like - like manual edit 'show preview' button.
- Show edit page
- Ignore (tl) and (tl)
- Mark all as minor — Marks all edits as minor.
- Add all to watchlist — Adds all edited pages to user watchlist.
- Show timer — Shows timer in the lower right corner of the window so user can monitor interval between edits.
- Sort interwiki links — Sorts the interwiki links in same order as pywiki bots (if "Apply general fixes" is selected).
- Enable button to log false positives
- Edit Summaries - Allows the user to edit the saved edit summaries for AWB.
- Enlarge Edit Area - Hides the Make list box and the middle options tabsheet, to give an enlarged edit area along the bottom of the AWB window. Shortcut key = Ctrl + Shift + H
- Refresh Status/Typos - Allows you to refresh the typo list if you have had AWB open a long time and want an updated typo list (only if RegexTypoFix is enabled!). Also reloads the checkpage to check enabled users and versions.
[modifier] Advanced
- Make Module - Allows the user to make a simple 'module' or add on for AWB. The user is able to enter C# or VB .NET code to enhance functionality of AWB - See Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Plugins for more information
- Test regex — Displays interface for testing searching and/or replacing text with regular expressions.
- Run updater - Allows the user to manually run the updater
[modifier] Plugins'
- Only displayed if a plugin module is loaded. If it is loaded, any selectable options for the plugin will be displayed here
[modifier] Help
- Help — Links to this page.
- About... — Shows about box showing creators, maintainers, version of AWB, IE Version, Windows Version, .NET version, and a disclaimer.
[modifier] Context Menu's
[modifier] Web Control context Menu
The web control context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click on the web control.
- Copy — Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
[modifier] Edit box context menu
The edit box context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click inside the edit box.
- WordWrap — Wraps the text in the edit box at bottom-right.
- Undo — Negates the last action.
- Cut — Cuts the selected text.
- Copy — Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
- Paste — Pastes text from the clipboard to the selected area.
- Paste more — Enter text into the textboxes, then double click one to paste it's contents.
- Select all — Selects all the text in the edit box.
- Go to line — Enter the line number and hit return.
- Insert... — can:
- Guess birth/death cats — Guesses the birth and death years of the article's subject and inserts the appropriate categories. (For biographical articles only.)
- Meta-data template — inserts the persondata template. (For biographical articles only.)
- Human name category key
- Insert tag — Inserts the tag selected from the submenu to the selected area of the article. If (tl) is selected, the user can optionally change the type of stub by typing into the box.
- Convert list to
- * List — (Bullet pointed list)
- # List — (Numbered list)
- Unicodify selected — Converts any HTML entities or URL encoded characters in the selected text to unicode.
- Bypass all redirects — replaces all links to redirects with direct links. This feature shouldn't be used in most cases, therefore it's restricted to admins only.
- Fix all excess whitespace
- Re-parse — Re-applies all the functions (general fixes, re-categorisation...).
- Open page in browser — Opens the article in the default browser.
- Open page history in browser — Opens the article history in the default browser.
- Open text selection in browser - Allows the selected text to be opened as an article, as if it was a wikilink
- Replace text with last edit
[modifier] View logs context menu
This context menu is common to both the Successfully saved and the skipped logs
- Add selected to article list - Adds the article of the currently selected log to the article list
- Cut - Cuts the currently selected log(s)
- Copy - Copies the currently selected log(s)
- Remove - Removes the currently selected log(s)
- Select all - Selects all the logs in the current list view
- Select none - Selects none of the logs in the current list view
- Open in browser - Opens the article of the currently selected item in the list view
- Open history in browser - Opens the article history of the currently selected item in the list view
[modifier] Article list box context menu
The list box context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click inside the list box.
- Filter out non main space — Removes all non-main space articles.
- Filter — Opens the advanced filter options.
- Convert to talk pages — Transforms the list into talk pages, e.g. "Cat" => "Talk:Cat".
- Convert from talk pages — Transforms the list from talk pages, e.g. "Talk:Cat" => "Cat".
- Sort alphabetically — Sorts list alphabetically.
- Save list to text file — Saves list to text file (which can be used later on to create new list, as described above.)
- Cut selection - Cuts the currently selected article(s)
- Copy selection - Copies the currently selected article(s)
- Paste selection - Pastes whatever is in the clipboard
- Select all - Select/Highlight all the articles in the list
- Select none - Unselects all articles in the list
- Add selected from list... — When an item is selected, the following can be added to the list
- From category — Adds the contents of a category when a category is selected.
- From whatlinkshere — Adds the articles that link to the selected article.
- From links on page — Adds the articles linked in the selected article.
- From image links — Adds the articles linked to an image when an image is selected.
- Remove — Removes the selected article(s).
- Remove - Removes the selected article(s).
- Duplicates - Removes duplicates from the article list.
- Clear — Clears the list.
- Open article in browser — Opens the article in your default browser.
[modifier] Database Scanner User Manual
Main article: Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Database Scanner