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- fr (original): L'optique d'appontage du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle (5 juin 2004).
- en (no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this translation): Landing optics of the Charles de Gaulle carrier (5th of June 2004) The instrument is called the "Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System", or FLOLS or IFLOLS. It's colloquially referred to as "The Meatball" by pilots.
- Quelle/Source: [1]
- Fotograf/Photographe/Photographer: Guillaume Rueda
Photo courtesy and autorisation of http://www.netmarine.net .
Autorisation is given by the team of "NetMarine" to use their photographs. Therefore, you can use the images of
- JM. Roche
- G. Rueda
- F. Dubey
- Y. Le Bris
- A. Morcello.
(see the complete correspondance)
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