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(version française à suivre)
My name is Gerhard Bissell. As an art historian, I obtained M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Germany working on Roman baroque sculpture, particularly the sculptors Melchiorre Cafà and Pierre Le Gros. I lived in Rome for several years and am now based in Britain since 1993.
For many years, I contributed extensively to the World Biographical Dictionary of Artists, writing in excess of 700 biographies of painters, sculptors, architects, photographers, garden designers etc., mainly from the 17th century to the present day.
Attached to the University of Reading, I am currently also involved in the National Recording Project of the British Public Monuments and Sculpture Association. One of my main interests is the history and the possibilities of photography, which I also practise intensively myself.
My main publication is the book Pierre Le Gros 1666-1719 which I published myself in 1997 under the label Si Vede.
For further publications and a contact email address please consult my CV on the website of the University of Reading.