Harrison White
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Harrison C. White est un sociologue américain, actuellement professeur de sociologie à l'Université Columbia à New York (Etats-Unis). Il est entrée au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) à l'âge de 15 ans, et a reçu son doctorat en physique théorique du même établissement en 1955. Il a également reçu un doctorat en sociologie de l'université de Princeton en 1960. Auparavant, il a enseigné l'université de Harvard, l'université de l'Arizona, l'université de Chicago, l'université Carnegie Mellon et à l'université d'Édimbourg. Il est membre de la National Academy of Sciences et de l'académie américaine des arts et des sciences.
Harrison White est l'un des pionniers des plus d'avant-garde en analyse des réseaux sociaux
[modifier] Publications
- Boorman S.A. et H.C. White, 1976, “Social Structure from Multiple Networks. II. Role Structures”, American Journal of Sociology, vol 81, n°6, pp. 1384 – 1446
- Eccles R.G. et H.C. White, 1986, “Firm and Market Interfaces of Profit Center Control”, in Lindeberg S., J.S. Coleman and S. Nowak, Approaches to Social Theory, New York Russel Salge, chapitre 7.
- Eccles R.G. et H.C. White, 1988, “Producers’ Markets”, New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, pp. 984-986.
- Eccles R.G et H.C. White, 1988b, “Price and Authority in Inter-Profit Center Transactions”, American Journal of Sociology, suppl. 94, pp. S17-S51.
- Leifer E. et H.C. White, 1987, “ A structural Approach to Markets ”, in Mizruchi M.S. et M. Schwarz, Intercorporate Relations : the Structural Analysis of Business, New York, Cambridge University Press, pp. 85-107.
- Lorrain F. et H.C. White, 1971, “Structural Equivalence of Individual in Social Networks”, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, vol.1, pp. 49-80.
- White H.C., 1955, Solid State and Molecular Theory Group, Thèse soutenue au Massachussets Institute of technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, le 31 mars.
- White H.C., 1958, “ Atomic Force Constants of Copper from Feynman’s Theorem ”, Physical Review, 112, pp. 1092-1105.
- White H.C., 1960, Research and Development as a Pattern of Industrial Management : a Case Study in Institutionalisation and Uncertainty, Doctoral Dissertation, Princeton University.
- White H.C., 1962, “Chance models of Systems of Casual Groups”, Sociometry, 25, pp. 153-172.
- White H.C., 1963a, An Anatomy of Kinship, Mathematical Models for Structures of Cumulated Roles, “ Prentice-Hall Series in Mathematical Analysis of Social Behavior ” dirigées par James Coleman et James March, Prentice-hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
- White H.C., 1963b, “Uses of Mathematics in Sociology”, in Charlesworth J.C., Mathematics and the Social Sciences. The Utility and Inutility of Mathematics in the Study of Economics, Political Science and Sociology, Symposium sponsored by the American, Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphie, pp. 77-94.
- White H.C., 1969, “Notes on Finding Models of Structural Equivalence, Drawing on Theories of Roles, Duality, Sociometry and Balance”, mimeographed, Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press.
- White H.C., 1970, Chains of Opportunity : System Models of Mobility in Organizations, Cambridge, Harvard University Press
- White H.C., 1973, “Everyday Life in Stochastic Networks”, Sociological Inquiry, 43, pp. 43-49
- White H.C., 1976, “Subcontracting with an Oligopoly: Spence revisited”, RIAS Program Working Paper, n°1, Havard University, septembre.
- White H.C., 1978, “Markets and Hierarchies Revisited”, unpublished working paper, Harvard University, department of Sociology
- White H.C., 1979, “On Markets”, RIAS program working paper, Department of Sociology, Harvard University.
- White H.C., 1981a, “Production Markets as Induced Role Structures” in Leinhardt S., Sociological Methodology, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 1-57.
- White, H.C., 1981b, “Interfaces”, Prepared for SSRC Conference on Social Indicators for Organisations, Washington D.C., 3-5 décembre.
- White H.C., 1981c, “Where do Markets Come From ?”, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 87, n°3, pp. 517-547.
- White H.C., 1988, “ Varieties of Markets ”, in Berkowitz S. et B. Wellman., Social Structures : a Network Approach, Cambridge University Press, pp. 226-260.
- White H.C., 1990a, “Interview with Harrison C. White”, in Swedberg R., Economics and Sociology : Redefining their Boundaries. Conversations with Economists and Sociologists, Princeton University Press, pp. 78-95.
- White H.C., 1990b, “Control to Deny Chance but Thereby Muffling Identity”, Contemporary Sociology, 19(6), novembre, pp. 783-788.
- White H.C., 1992, Identity and Control, Princeton University Press. (ISBN 0-691-04304-30)
- White H.C., 1993, “Markets in Production Networks”, in Swedberg R., Explorations in Economic Sociology, Russel Sage Foundation, New York, pp. 161-176.
- White H.C., 1995a, “ Passages réticulaires, acteurs et grammaire de la domination ”, Revue française de sociologie, n°36, pp. 705-723.
- White H.C., 1995b, “ Where do Languages come From ? ”, cinquième conférence internationale des réseaux sociaux, Londres, 6-10 juillet.
- White H.C., 1995c, “ Social Networks can Resolve Actors Paradoxes in Economics and in Psychology ”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol 151 n°1, pp. 58-74.
- White H.C., 2001, Entretien avec Alair Mac Lean et Andy Olds
- White H.C., 2002, Markets from Networks : Socioeconomic Models of Production, Princeton University Press.
- White H.C., 2002b, “Quality is a System Property. Downstream ”, dans Favereau et Lazega, Conventions and Structures in Economic Organization, Markets, Networks and Hierarchies, Edward Elgar, pp. 329-347.
- White H.C., 2005, “ Social Construction of Flows ”, working paper, Columbia University, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, février.
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