Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
[edit] Summary
Diagram showing the major parts of a modern incandescent light bulb.
This version has the various parts labeled with numbers. For a version without the labels, see Image:Incandescent light bulb (no labels).svg.
Created by User:Fastfission in Inkscape.
[edit] Caption
- Glass bulb
- Inert gas
- Tungsten filament
- Contact wire (goes to foot)
- Contact wire (goes to base)
- Support wires
- Glass mount/support
- Base contact wire
- Screw threads
- Insulation
- Electrical foot contact
[edit] Licensing
Use of this work which I have created is allowed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA license (see below). Credit must be given to "Wikimedia Commons." You can contact me if you would like to negotiate other licensing terms (which I am generally happy to do). Those who wish to use this in the course of teaching may do so without any limitations. --Fastfission
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