John Atkinson Hobson
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Il existe un autre John Hobson, politicien anglais du 20ème siècle.
John Atkinson Hobson, connu sous le nom de J.A. Hobson, (6 Juillet 1858 – 1er Avril 1940) était un économiste anglais, critique envers l'impérialisme, et très populaire en tant qu'écrivain et conférencier.
[modifier] Bibliographie
Il est particulièrement connu pour Imperialism, a study (1902)
- The Physiology of Industry (1889).
- Problems of Poverty (1891).
- Evolution of Modern Capitalism (1894).
- Problem of the Unemployed (1896).
- John Ruskin: Social Reformer (1898).
- The Economics of Distribution (1900).
- The War in South Africa: Its Causes and Effects (1900).
- Psychology of Jingoism (1901).
- The Social Problem (1901).
- Imperialism (1902).
- International Trade (1904).
- Canada Today (1906).
- The Crisis of Liberalism (1909).
- The Industrial System (1909).
- A Modern Outlook (1910).
- The Science of Wealth (1911).
- An Economic Interpretation of Investment (1911).
- Industrial Unrest (1912).
- The German Panic (1913).
- Gold, Prices and Wages (1913).
- Work and Wealth, A Human Valuation (1914).
- Traffic in Treason, A Study in Political Parties (1914).
- Towards International Government (1915).
- Western Civilization (1915).
- The New Protectionism (1916).
- Labour and the Costs of War (1916).
- Democracy after the War (1917).
- Forced Labor (1917).
- 1920: Dips Into the Near Future (pseud Lucian) (1918).
- Taxation and the New State (1919).
- Richard Cobden: The International Man (1919).
- The Obstacles to Economic Recovery in Europe (1920).
- The Economics of Restoration (1921).
- Problems of a New World (1921).
- Incentives in the New Industrial Order (1922).
- The Economics of Unemployment (1922).
- Notes on Law and Order (1926).
- The Living Wage (with H.N. Brailsford, A.Creech Jones, E.F. Wise) (1926).
- The Conditions of Industrial Peace (1927).
- Wealth and Life (1929).
- Rationalisation and Unemployment (1930).
- God and Mammon (1931).
- Poverty in Plenty (1931).
- L.T. Hobhouse, His Life and Work (1931).
- The Recording Angel (1932).
- Saving and Spending: Why Production is Clogged (1932).
- From Capitalism to Socialism (1932).
- Rationalism and Humanism (1933).
- Democracy and a Changing Civilization (1934).
- Veblen (1936).
- Property and Improperty (1937).
- Le Sens de la responsibilité dans la vie sociale (with Herman Finer and Hanna Mentor) (1938).
- Confessions of an Economic Heretic (1938).