Seventh Solvay Conference, 1933 A group of scientists participated in the 7th Solvay Conference, Bruxelles (October 1933), seated (left to right): E. Schrödinger, I. Joliot, N. Bohr, A. Joffe, M. Curie, P. Langevin, O.W. Richardson, Lord Rutherford, Th. DeDonder, M. deBroglie, L. deBroglie, L. Meitner, J. Chadwick; Standing L-R: E. Henriot, F. Perrin, F. Joliot, W. Heisenberg, H.A. Kramers, E. Stahel, E. Fermi, E.T.S. Walton, P.A.M. Dirac, P. Debye, N.F. Mott, B. Cabrera, G. Gamow, W. Bothe, P. Blackett, M.S. Rosenblum, J. Errera, Ed. Bauer, W. Pauli, J.E. Verschaffelt, M. Cosyns, E. Herzen, J.D. Cockcroft, C.D. Ellis, R. Peierls, Aug. Piccard, E.O. Lawrence, L. Rosenfeld. Absents: A. Einstein and Ch. Eug. Guye
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