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Tierra est une simulation informatique créée et développée par Thomas S. Ray pour l'étude de la vie artificielle.
- (en)Ray, T. S. 1991, "Evolution and optimization of digital organisms", in Billingsley K.R. et al (eds), Scientific Excellence in Supercomputing: The IBM 1990 Contest Prize Papers, Athens, GA, 30602: The Baldwin Press, The University of Georgia. Publication date: December 1991, pp. 489-531.
- (en) Bedau M.A., McCaskill J.S. et al., "Open problems in artificial life", Artificial Life, 2000 Fall 6(4):363-76.
- (en)Casti, John L. (1997). Would-Be-Worlds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York ISBN 0-471-12308-0
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