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[edit] Summary
en:Ivan Shishkin, en:Konstantin Savitsky Morning in the Pine Forest (Утро в сосновом лесу) 1886, Tretyakov Gallery
Creator/Artist |
Name |
Шишкин, Иван Иванович |
Alternative names |
Schischkin, Iwan Iwanowitsch; Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich |
Date of birth/death |
1831-01-13 |
1898-03-08 |
Location of birth/death |
Deutsch: Jelaburga (Gouvernement Wjatka)
English: Yelabuga (Vyatka Gubernia)
Русский: Елабуга
Deutsch: St. Petersburg
Work location |
Deutsch: St. Petersburg
Creator/Artist |
Name |
Савицкий, Константин Аполлонович |
Alternative names |
Sawizkij, Konstantin Apollonowitsch; Savitsky Konstantin Apollonovich |
Date of birth/death |
June 6 1844 |
February 13 1905 |
Location of birth/death |
Deutsch: Taganrog (Rußland)
English: Taganrog (Russia)
Русский: Таганрог
Deutsch: Pensa (Rußland)
English: Penza (Russia)
Русский: Пенза
Work location |
Deutsch: St. Petersburg, Moskau, Pensa
Downloaded from http://relax.wood.ru/art/shishkin_i/utro_v_sosnovom_lesu.jpg
[edit] Licensing
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