Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
[edit] Summary
Description |
English: This image is a captured version of Wikimedia logo mosaic. In its history you may see other versions captured daily. Note that the original mosaic contains some animations, so this is not exactly how it looked/looks like.
Français : Cette image est la capture d'écran de la mosaïque du logo Wikimedia. Dans l'historique, vous verrez d'autres versions capturées chaque jour. Veuillez noter que la mosaïque d'origine contient quelques animations, et apparaît donc légèrement différemment.
Polski: To jest obrazek przedstawiający kolejne wersje Mozaiki logo Wikimedia. W historii pliku znajdziesz dzienne zrzuty. Zwróć uwagę, że oryginalna mozaika zawiera animowane obrazki, więc ten obrazek nie odaje w pełni jej wyglądu.
Deutsch: Dieses Bild ist eine Bildschirmkopie des Wikimedia-Logo-Mosaiks. In seiner Versionsgeschichte kann die Entstehung der endgültigen Fassung des Mosaiks anhand von täglich gespeicherten Abbildungen verfolgt werden. Das Bild entspricht allerdings nicht ganz dem Originalmosaik, da dort einige Animationen enthalten sind, die hier nicht in der Bewegung wiedergegeben werden können.
Source |
Wikimedia logo mosaic
Date |
2006-10, 2006-11 (published on Commons)
Author |
see history of Wikimedia logo mosaic
Permission |
See below.
Other versions |
[edit] Licensing
There are some doubts about the license of this image. Please consider following:
- The original Wikimedia logo is copyrighted to Wikimedia Foundation.
- Warning: the Wikimedia logo is a registered trade mark of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. in several jurisdictions including the United States of America. As such, its use without the authorization of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is restricted.
- This picture is made of 1200 freely licensed images, but take note that all of those images are only very small parts of the mosaic.
- The mosaic itself is a collection of images (just like any other gallery here) and so is licensed under the terms of GFDL.
Considering all that the author of this screenshot believes that the image should be released under the terms of GFDL with a trademark notice (restriction).
Pages contenant l’image
Les pages ci-dessous contiennent cette image :