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79-AAT-4 "Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," erupting, against dark sky.
Yellowstone 1942, Ansel Adams
Background notes: Ansel Adams
English: Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 - April 22, 1984) was an American photographer, known for his black and white photographs of the California's Yosemite Valley.
עברית: אנסל איסטון אדמס (Ansel Easton Adams) (20 בפברואר 1902 - 22 באפריל 1984), צלם אמריקני. יליד העיר סן פרנציסקו.
日本語: アンセル・アダムス(Ansel Adams, 本名Ansel Easton Adams II, 1902年2月20日 - 1984年4月22日)はアメリカの写真家。カリフォルニア州ヨセミテ渓谷のモノクロ写真で有名。
中文 : 安塞尔·伊士顿·亚当斯(1902年2月2日 - 1984年4月22日)是美国摄影师,生于旧金山。又譯作安瑟·亞當斯。
Edit Info:Ansel Adams
-May need an ultra high resolution scan to do justice to this print -Mak 03:50, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Licensing
This photo as well as 223 other companions by Ansel Adams were commissioned by the Park service and are property of the US Government, according to the US National Archives website page on A. Adams where this image was loaded from.
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