Un articllo de Wikipedia, l’enciclopèdia abada.
Ceti fichiér et les enformacions de sa pâge de dèscripcion sont presents sur (fr) Wikimedia Commons.
Por savêr coment tèlèchargiér et/ou importar una émâge sur Commons, consultâd(e)/-surtâd(e) Help:Importar un fichiér.
[edit] Summary
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT COLOURS: Colours I've adopted are the same expressed in the FOTW (Flags Of The World) website in this page and they should be the right colours established by the Official Bulletin of the Basque Country of 26 October 1999.
I, the author of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Pâges conte(g)nent l’émâge
Les pâges ce-desot conte(g)nont ceta émâge :