Comann nan Caraid
As a'Wikipedia
Comann nan Caraid neo na Cuagairean (Quakers/Society of Friends)
Comann Curamaich steidhichte 's a'Bhliadhna 1650 le Seoras Fox (Sasuinn). Tha na cairdean ag amas a chuir cul ri foir-neart gu leir.
[deasaich] Ceangailtean (sa Bheurla)
- Swarthmoor Hall, birth place of quakerism, UK
- Online Meeting for Worship
- Quakers Reunited
- find unprogrammed Meetings in U.S. & Canada
- Find Meetings in Great Britain
- "Quaker E-mail lists"
- (A Guide to the Quaker Blogosphere)
- Ontario Plaques - Meeting House of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Ontario Plaques - Whitchurch Quaker Settlement
- Nontheist Friends