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Tamaño desta presentación da imaxe: 800 × 450 píxeles
Imaxe na máxima resolución (2400 × 1350 píxeles, tamaño do ficheiro: 283 KB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)
- original description: This synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover in the "Columbia Hills" was produced using "Virtual Presence in Space" technology. Developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., in cooperation with Maas Digital LLC, this technology combines visualization and image-processing tools with Hollywood-style special effects. The image was created using a photorealistic model of the rover and an image taken by the Spirit navigation camera during the rover's 438th Martian day, or sol (March 27, 2005); see PIA07829). The size of the rover in the image is approximately correct and was based on the size of the rover tracks in the navigation-camera image.
Credits: Rover Model: D. Maas - Synthetic Image: Z. Gorjian, K. Kuramura, M. Stetson, E. De Jong.
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