Kebangkitan Yesus
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Menurut Perjanjian Baru, terutama Gospel, Yesus, yang disebut juga Kristus, adalah sesosok Pribadi yang harus menjalani penderitaan dan kemudian mati lalu bangkit kembali pada hari yang ketiga.
Peristiwa ini ditunjuk dalam terminologi Kristen sebagai kebangkitan Yesus Kristus, yang diperingati dan dirayakan oleh seluruh umat Kristen setiap tahun pada Paskah. Kebanyakan umat Kristen, menerima Perjanjian Baru sebagai peristiwa sejarah dari kejadian nyata yang merupakan pusat dari kepercayaan mereka, meskipun begitu ada beberapa Kristen liberal yang tidak menerima kebangkitan badan. Walaupun demikian, umumnya tidak ada umat Kristen yang memandang cerita ini sebagai legenda atau alegori.
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[sunting] Referensi
- FF Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985)
- Gary Habermas, The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ (College Press: Joplin, MI 1996).
- Josh McDowell, New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Thomas Nelson, Inc, Publishers, 1999
[sunting] Lihat juga
- Makam kosong
- Gereja Holy Sepulchre
- Shroud Turin
- Paskah
- Kebangkitan
- Apologetik Kristen
[sunting] Pranala luar
[sunting] Umum
[sunting] Pendukung kebangkitan
- Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ — A presentation of the historical evidence for the Resurrection by a New Testament scholar
- The resurrection of Jesus Christ From the Catholic Encyclopedia
- — Logical, short defenses of Christianity
- The Impossible Faith- Offers a number of reasons why the Resurrection must have happened to explain the rise of Christianity
- "The Historical Veracity of the Resurrection Narratives" — Interesting philosophically based defense of supernaturalism
- Suggested reasons why the Christian account of the resurrection did not borrow from pagan myths.
- The Copycat Messiah? — Suggested reasons why Christianity did not borrow from paganism in any way.
- Christian Evidences - Argues the resurrection was a historical fact.
[sunting] Anti-kebangkitan
- Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story Columbia University Historian Richard Carrier
- Possible historical influence on New Testament's account of resurrection
- The Historicity of Jesus' Resurrection The Debate between Christians and Skeptics
- Suggested parallels between pagan and Christian account of resurrection
- Crucifixion or crucifixion
- The Resurrection Maze Farrell Till addresses contraditory accounts