Élie Joseph Cartan
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Élie Joseph Cartan (Dolomieu, Savoia, Francia, 9 aprile 1869 - Parigi, 6 maggio 1951), influente matematico francese noto soprattutto per i suoi contributi fondamentali alla teoria dei gruppi di Lie e alle loro applicazioni geometriche. Portò importanti contributi anche alla fisica matematica, alla geometria differenziale e alla teoria dei gruppi.
Indice |
[modifica] Vita
Divenne studente della École Normale Supérieure di Parigi nel 1888 e vi ottenne il dottorato nel 1894. Ebbe quindi delle docenze a Montpellier ed a Lione e ottenne una cattedra a Nancy nel 1903. Ottenne incarichi di insegnamento a Parigi nel 1909, becoming professor in 1912, and retiring in 1942. Sposò Marie-Louise Bianconi ed ebbe tre figli, il noto matematico Henri Cartan, Jean e Louis.
[modifica] Opere
By his own account, in his Notice sur les travaux scientifiques, the main theme of his works (numbering 186 and published throughout the period 1893–1947) was the theory of gruppi di Lie. He began by working over the foundational material sulle algebre di Lie complesse semplici, tidying up the previous work by Friedrich Engel and Wilhelm Killing. This proved definitive, as far as the classification went, with the identification of the four main families and the five exceptional cases. He also introduced la nozione di gruppo algebrico, which was not to be developed seriously before 1950.
He defined the general notion of anti-symmetric differential form, in the style now used; his approach to Lie groups through the equazioni di Maurer–Cartan required 2-forms for their statement. At that time what were called sistemi pfaffiani (cioè equazioni differenziali del primo ordine date come 1-forme) were in general use; by the introduction of fresh variables for derivatives, and extra forms, they allowed for the formulation of quite general sistemi di equazioni alle derivate parziali. Cartan added the derivata esterna, as an entirely geometric and coordinate-independent operation. It naturally leads to the need to discuss p-forms, of general degree p. Cartan writes of the influence on him of Charles Riquier’s general PDE theory.
With these basics — Lie groups and differential forms — he went on to produce a very large body of work, and also some general techniques such as sistemi di riferimento mobili, that were gradually incorporated into the mathematical mainstream.
Nella Notice ha classificato i suoi lavori in 15 aree. Usando la terminologia attuale si possono presentare come segue:
- Gruppi di Lie
- Rappresentazioni dei gruppi di Lie
- Numeri ipercomplessi, algebre di divisione
- Sistemi di PDE, teorema di Cartan–Kähler
- Teoria dell'equivalenza
- Sistemi integrabili, teoria del prolungamento e sistemi in involuzione
- Gruppi infinito dimensionali e pseudogruppi
- Geometria differenziale e sistemi di riferimento mobili
- Spazi generalizzati con gruppi di struttura e connessioni, connessione di Cartan, olonomia, tensore di Weyl
- Geometria e topologia dei gruppi di Lie
- Geometria riemanniana
- Spazi simmetrici
- Topologia dei gruppi compatti e loro spazi omogenei
- Invarianti integrali e meccanica classica
- Relatività generale, spinori
[modifica] Influenza e lascito scientifico
Most of these topics have been worked over thoroughly by later mathematicians. That cannot be said of all of them: while Cartan's own methods were remarkably unified, in the majority of cases the subsequent work can be said to have removed his characteristic touch. That is, it became more algebraic.
To look at some of those less mainstream areas:
- the PDE theory has to take into account singular solutions (i.e. inviluppi), such as are seen in equazione di Clairaut;
- the prolongation method is supposed to terminate in a system in involution (this is an analytic theory, rather than smooth, and leads to the theory of formal integrability and coomologia di Spencer);
- il problema di equivalenza, come da lui impostato, is to construct differential isomorphisms of structures (and discover thereby the invariants) by forcing their graphs to be integral manifolds of a differential system;
- the moving frames method, as well as being connected to fasci principali and their connections, should also use frames adapted to geometry;
- these days, il metodo dei fasci jet of Charles Ehresmann is applied to use il contatto as a systematic equivalence relation.
There is a sense, therefore, in which the distinctive side of Cartan's work is still being digested by matematici. This is constantly seen in areas such as calcolo delle variazioni, trasformazioni di Bäcklund and the general theory of differential systems; roughly speaking those parts of differential algebra which feel that the existing, modello che si richiama alla teoria di Galois of symmetry is too narrow and requires something more analogous to a category of relations.
[modifica] Voci correlate
- Connessione di Cartan, Applicazioni della connessione di Cartan
- Matrice di Cartan
- Teorema di Cartan
- Sottoalgebra di Cartan
- Metodo dell'equivalenza di Cartan
- Teoria di Einstein-Cartan
- Condizioni di integrabilità dei sistemi differenzial i